God does not accept people.


Being fair to those who are fair to me is completely natural, but being fair to those who are unfair to me is undoubtedly a sign of superiority. - Lin Yutang

Looking around, I realize the coldness in the world, perhaps englobe a lot with these words, however I'm not very wrong when I see international news rumors of war, economic crises in some countries, famine, the good is he calls him bad and bad is called good, many diseases without cures, sufferings of person; likewise the lack of humanity, selfishness, not contributing anything for the brother in disgrace, each defending what is right for him; Now there are people who make the difference, those who are of noble heart, what they feel that call in their interior to serve their neighbor and is that from pole to pole regardless of the place of the world we are, we are human beings and everything that that represents.
Love makes us equal; this is the main characteristics of the similarity to our Creator, love alone makes us leave the deepest thoughts emotions and motivations but the lack of this in the human heart seizes the opposite to the: hate, arrogance, selfishness, pride bad actions that bring as consequences what at the beginning mentioned.

Let's do or at least try to the extent that we can do the best where we are each in your country, in your residential area, let's help others, we are ready to serve, God does not see race, does not see nationality, does not see status social, does not see languages, in his word says

Romans 2:11
11 because there is no acceptance of people towards God.

Especially my special recognition to @Steemchurch and their beautiful work for the brothers in need, God continue to bless them.

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