Remember And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

My dear friends and brothers are all very blessed I want to speak on this subject, and we will take as a base verse 32 of chapter 8 of the Gospel of St. John, which contains the following statement of the Lord Jesus Christ:

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.


In today's world, men and women, adolescents, young people and the elderly have made a great confusion between freedom and slavery, between things lawful to the saints and illicit, between the things that are appropriate and those that are not convenient, between making or stopping Do something, between right and wrong. The extent to which customs and customs are linked to biblical doctrine, or to what extent it is not. For many, to be free, to have freedom, to enjoy all that the world offers them, is to do what they want and to stop doing what they do not - even to the detriment of what the Lord has recommended. These people forget to seek in God the discernment of right and wrong. And starting from this principle, many have plunged into the world of drugs, traffic, esotericism, fetishism, promiscuous sexuality and when they least expect, they have already become slaves of their vices and deeds. Not finding the strength to free themselves from such currents, they fall into despair, coming to think that there is only one way out - suicide. The sensibility disappears and the life happens to not have more importance, for this reason, many of our young people end up dying precociously.

But thank God that for you who are in this situation there is a way out, an escape, a way - Jesus Christ our Lord. He has the power to liberate you completely, He has the power to transform your life, to recover and insert you not only in society, but in the role of the saved as well. Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary so that we have life and life with abundance, He overcame, to overcome, He was resurrected and one day all those who died in Christ will rise in a glorious body to be forever with the Lord. He rose again so that we can also be resurrected. All the right that He has in heaven and on earth as Son of God, He paid the highest price for us to participate in this right as well. Paul, in his Letter to the Romans 8:17, stated emphatically in this regard:

"And, if we are children, we are also heirs, heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ, it is true that with him he suffers, so also with what can be glorified."

We know for sure that we are the true God, the God of truth - "We know that we are of God and the whole world is under the evil one" - (1 John 5:19).

The Word of the realization of the saint of God that Jesus Christ is truly the only mediator between God and man and without him there is no other (ref Isaiah 43:11, Hosea 13: 4, John 14: 6, Acts 4: 12) .

If drugs, alcohol or any other chemical has deteriorated your body, or if you have entered through incorrect follow-ups and with this your faith has been shaken, you have been disappointed. Jesus Christ, the person who saw him when he was still in the womb, He has given you back, he is given health, he prolongs his days on earth, He gives him the right to enter the Holy City through the doors.

Friend you who read the publications of our Church Steemchurch, do not forget that each one is made with the only purpose that you know Jesus Christ and be blessed.

It is enough to accept him as the only and sufficient Savior of his life. Amen!

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