Reach your work colleagues with the gospel.

Wonderful and blessed Sunday for all the love of the father reposes in their hearts. The next chapter tells us about the call of Matthew, let's see what we can learn.

9 When he left there, Jesus saw a man named Matthew, sitting at the table of tax collection. "Follow me," he said. Matthew got up and followed him. 10 While Jesus was eating at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does his master eat with tax collectors and sinners?" 12 When Jesus heard this, he replied, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. . 13 But go and learn what this means: "What I ask of you is mercy and not sacrifice." [A] Because I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. [B] Matthew 9: 9-13


How to reach people who are close to us. Our family, friends and now co-workers. We see in the Word of God that many people were reached while working and this is because the workplace is a place of interpersonal relationships. At work we make friends, colleagues, partners or we simply make ourselves known.

The theme proposed for our reflection is: how to reach my colleague who works with the Gospel? A daring challenge that is not proposed by the ecclesiastical leadership of the Church, but is thrown into the life of every believer spread throughout the world, through the direct command of Jesus. I have to evangelize, I have to preach, I have to sow where I am and where I can go.

But to fulfill this task some prerequisites are necessary, without which we will not be able to complete our mission:

  • I need to want to reach my co-worker: if this is not true for me, if it is not real value, it will only be in the field of thought and knowledge, but it will never reach the field of practice and evangelism. My love for my co-workers should lead me to wish every day to see the conversion of all of them, no matter how hard their hearts and actions may be.

  • I need to pray to reach my co-workers: without prayer, everything I do will be within the scope of strategy and the power of personal persuasion. When I put my prayers into practice, I lead the way of evangelism and prepare the ears of the people so that the Word sown will bear fruit. It is essential to pray.

  • I need to plan how to get to my coworkers: in Matthew's text, he organizes a dinner for his friends and invites Jesus to dinner. They hear Jesus preach. A good strategy greatly facilitates the results, especially when these procedures occur after a time of prayer. Be creative, intelligent, generous, friendly, and people will undoubtedly hear what you have to say.


After wishing, praying and planning, I have to go to the field of action that implies to turn into reality what was planned, thought and watered with prayer. At this time, I need to be prepared for the following situations:

  • My co-worker was open to the gospel. Remember that presenting the Gospel is only the first step, you need to be discipled, baptized and integrated into the ministerial life of a local church (preferably yours).

  • My co-worker was reluctant to know the gospel. This attitude can not change your friendship or your professionalism. Your role is to preach wishing the conversion of all of them, but some will not convert. But respect, friendship and work together must remain. This attitude can make it easier for him to come to you some time later to ask for his help or even his prayer.

  • My co-worker began to persecute me after I tried to present the Gospel: this may be one of the consequences. It can create resistance in your workplace and can put your work at risk. When this happens, as a general rule, it is because you put your feet in your hands and did not have the wisdom to present the Gospel, without respecting the religion of your coworkers or the time that each one needs for the seed to flourish. Do not make the fear of being persecuted or of losing your job an excuse for not presenting the gospel. Be wise and always look for the best way to reach all your coworkers.


    As we have seen, the Bible exhorts us to announce the good news to all creatures all the time and the difficulties in fulfilling this mandate given by Jesus can not stop me. I must trust in the help of the Holy Spirit, who convinces man of sin and judgment, knowing that every time I preach the gospel, the elect receive it and transform it. That is my conviction. They will hear

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