Our King Will Come Back

Very often, dear brothers, we hear the following phrase: "All roads lead to God." We can agree with this phrase if we think about the judgment of God. One day we will all go before Him to be judged.


However, Jesus warns us in the Gospel of John (14.6) that He is the only way, the truth and the life, and that no one goes to God except through Him.

This is the vision that John receives from God, a revelation that testifies to the wonderful return of Jesus Christ in great power and glory. He is the only way and salvation itself.

The heavens will be in celebration. All celestial beings with a great voice will declare that "salvation, glory and power are of our God"! Joy will rejoice, the glory of the King of kings and the Lord of lords will be shared in a great celebration!

In the same vision, John also describes that this glorious day will be marked by the judgment of God. The King of kings will return triumphant, with power and glory he will defeat all his enemies.

Joy will not be shared by those who did not believe in Jesus. Because of this, fear will be left to them, because the weight of God's wrath will fall on all who do not have the mark of Jesus Christ. Eternal suffering will be the destiny of all those who have rejected the gospel of the Son of God.

This day will be a paradox, it will be a day of darkness and defeat for the enemies of God, but for your Church, your beloved wife, it will be a day of victory, joy and light.

"If we are believers in Jesus Christ, we have passed through the storm of judgment, it happened on the cross." (Billy Graham)

Soon all humanity will meet the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Those who believe in Jesus Christ yearn for this great day with joy and enthusiasm, because, definitively, they will be glorified with him.

"Blessed are those who were invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb!" (Rev 19: 9)


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