And Samuel said, What hast thou done? And Saul said, Because I saw that the people were scattered from me, and that thou camest not within the days appointed, and that the Philistines gathered themselves together at Michmash;
1 Samuel 13:11
Studying the life of Saul before his disobedience and fall, it is noticed that Saul was one who respected his parents ( 1 Samuel 9:3-4) and God's servants( 1 Samuel 9:7)), had love for people and also had a forgiving spirit( 1 Samuel 11:12-13). By these, it is fair to say that Saul was a good man. Yet, he lost his kingship over Israel because he was not steadfast in his obedience to God to the end. Saul realised that his people were fleeing from him, Samuel appeared to be delaying and his enemies seemed to be approaching him and hence disobeyed God which cost him his kingdom.
As believers, we also face similar challenges where it appears God has forsaken us, the people we trust are no where to be found and the devil seems to be approaching with sickness, disgrace, poverty or even death.
Even though it is extremely challenging, we need to still keep our trust in God and believe his word which tells us that He will be with us in trouble and deliver us ( Psalm 91:15). If we do this, we will not lose the blessings He has for us like Saul did.

No matter how long it appears God is keeping, keep on waiting for him for he shall surely show up.

Lord give me the grace to wait for you no matter how long.

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