And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage.
Exodus 2:23
The children of Israel had been in oppression for about 400years but it was never recorded that they cried to God for help until this Pharaoh who oppressed them most died. They realized that even though the ruler was no more, the bondages he left them in were still binding.
This is state of some believers now where even though their former ruler- The devil is no more, the bondages of pornography, fornication, sickness, poverty and other stigmata of darkness are still binding them.
Like the Israelites did and were heard by God, such believers must pray to God for the manifestation of their full redemption. In addition, the mature believers who are no longer in these bondages must intercede for these ones and as God did for the Israelites, he will set them free from all the shackles of the evil one.

If you are still experiencing the bondage of the enemy, pray to God for help and he will set you free.
Intercede for your brothers who are being oppressed by the evil one for their full redemption.

Lord Jesus, please have mercy on our brothers who are being oppressed by the devil and set them free.

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