Why is the resurrection of Christ so important?


Good day steemit and I'm here to explain the importance of Christ ressurection.

The ressurection of christ is so important , because it proves the ultimate power of God and to also prove God's power over death. To believe in the ressurection is to believe in God almighty, because only him who has the power over the universe, has the power over death and life. (1 Corinthians 15: 54-55.)

The resurrection is also important, because it validate whom Jesus claimed to be to the Pharisees. Jesus told them that he was going to detroy the temple and build it back in 3 days and because the ways of man and the ways of God are absolutely different, and because , just as the heavens are higher than the earth , so are the thought of God higher than ours, the people thought he was talking about the temple that took them years to build, but our Lord was talking about his body. Only he who has power over life and death, could make resurrection happen. Jesus made the promise to rise on the third day and so did it happen and everyone realise that he was talking about his body.

His ressurection is also important because it is a sign from heaven that authenticate his ministry and prove that he had authority over even the Temple of Jerusalem ( John 2: 18 - 22)

Another importance of christ ressurection is that it proves his sinless nature even as a man. Jesus happens to be the only sinless soul that walked the earth. He was born without sin, just to make it possible to carry out the will of the father, only one without sin, is able to heal us from our own sin. It was the ultimate sacrifice that was done once and for all for the sake of humanity. It's openes the door of forgiviness between man and God and if we are willing to change from our sinful ways, we would be accepted into the kingdom of God.

In (John 11:24) Jesus said "I am the resurrection and life" . In that statement, Jesus claimed he is the source of both, there is no ressurection for man, no eternal life, unless through Christ. Jesus is life and in that way, death has no power over him. The only way to be saved, is to be in Christ and live your life according to his ways. The devil tried many ways to hinder the truth about Christ, but unknown to him, Christ is life and the origin and source of life.


So when we are asked about the ressurection of christ and why it's so important to you as a Christian, you let them know that, it's the ultimate sacrifice that creates that open doors between God and man. It's the permanent sacrifice that God accepted and has given man another opportunity to do the right thing and be saved from enternal condemination.

He who dies in christ shall be ressurected on the last days and shall see God and be with him in heaven.

You will also realize that it was after he ressurection of christ and when he went to heaven and sent the holy spirit , just as he has promised, that the deciples became bold and fearless to stand for the truth and preach the gospel, even when it endanger their life. But they know living is Christ, dying in christ and ressurecting in chirst, was worth all the pain and persecution they went through.


If there was no ressurection, the gospel, would not been full filled and Satan would have had victory over everything, but because he is not the source of life and because he did not create life, and because he is not life, there's no way Satan could stop Christ from ressurecting and fulfilling the will of the father. That's to show you who really has the key of eternal life. And only if you believe in him and do his will also, you will be saved and granted eternal passage to heaven.

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