If God never had a forgiving spirit, heaven will be empty.


Good day beloved brothers ans sisters, i bring you the good news of our Lord.

Many at times we see God as a very cruel and strict person, someone who takes delight from the suffering of humans to please himself. Most people go as far as saying there's no God. Because God is quiet towards your situation, doesn't mean he's not seeing everything or understand everything, after all he knows us even before we were born.

I am here to tell you that, the way people perceive God is not how God truly is. God is a loving Father, who would hate to see us fall into the hands of Satan or evil.

John 3: 16 (NIV)

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

The above passage tells us how much Love God has towards us, as his children. He love us so much that he had to send his only son to come and go through suffering and death, so that in him we might be save. If God never Loved us one bit, it would take him nothing, just a split seconds to destroy the world, just as he has done during the time of Noah. But because he needed us to have a chance with him, only if we change from our sinful ways and seek him in truth and light, he is going to be there for us.

Now let's look at God's people in the bible who have made it to heaven. There's one thing God considers when dealing with us, he knows, we are humans and almost impossible not to sin. God knows most times we fall into temptation because we are not strong enough. Even most times when we disrespect God, he knows most times we allow our feelings get to us.

There's actually no one in the bible, that has not made a mistake, even while working for God. But because of the forgiving spirit of God, he always looked pass that phase and still accept us for who we are.


Let's take for example Moses. Moses committed murder while he was still living in Egypt as one of the Egyptians, before he was called by God to serve. Even while he was still serving, he also comitted a sin of disobedience to God, after he did what God ask him not to do and he was banned by God not to enter the promised Land, that he was only going to see it, but his foot was not going to step on it.

Numbers 20: 9-12 (NCV)

So Moses took the stick from in front of the Lord, as he had said. 10 Moses and Aaron gathered the people in front of the rock, and Moses said, “Now listen to me, you who turn against God! Do you want us to bring water out of this rock?” 11 Then Moses lifted his hand and hit the rock twice with his stick. Water began pouring out, and the people and their animal's drank it
But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe me, and because you did not honor me as holy before the people, you will not lead them into the land I will give them

Moses did not give the required Glory to God for the miracle he did, but rather to himself and Aaron and God got angry and punished them, by not allowing them enter the promise Land.


Even Elijah at a point in his ministry, he became far from God, his faith in God died and started feeling fear, he was hiding from the army Jezebel sent to kill him. At that point he was weak because he stepped away from God, and lost his faith towards God.

David comitted murder because of the lust of the flesh, David disobeyed God plenty times and still God called him a man after my heart.

Most of God's people were not all that perfect, that they did not at a point in their life, felt like there was no God. Even with the feeling of knowing there's a God, they still sinned out of their selfish reason, but God still forgave them, as soon as they realise their mistakes and run back to God.

Your wrongs does not defined you, but your ability to not realise you've sinned against God and not ask for forgiveness, is where God takes it personal.

We notice that from the beginning of the world, it was still this same sin of disobedience that Adam and Eve committed that brought about this hardship we face today in the world, and God hated the sin of disobedience, same sin Moses committed. God would have decided to judge Moses with his sin and ban him from entering heaven, but because of his forgiving spirit, he forgave Moses and Aaron, gave them their punishment here on earth, but still allowed them in his presence in heaven, because of his forgiving spirit.

God knows that we are humans and we are not above mistakes, only if we are truly sorry for the sin which we have committed, or we truly realise the mistake we did, and ask for forgiveness from the Lord, he is willing and always willing to accept us back to his heart and clean us from all iniquities.

So my dear brothers and sisters, we should always try to ask for forgiveness for our wrong doings and always try as much as possible, not to disobey God, do whatever he tells us, believe without a single doubt that he is willing to accept us back into his loving arms and care. He knows we ain't perfect, so he's always willing to accept us back, as soon as we are truly sorry for our wrong doings.

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