Am I being tested by God?

2 Tim 2: 14-26

Remind them of this, exhorting them before the Lord not to quarrel over words, which profits nothing at all, but is to the perdition of the hearers, be diligent to present yourself to God approved, as a worker who he does not have to be ashamed, he uses the word of truth well, but avoids profane and vain babblings, because they will lead more and more to impiety, and his word will eat like gangrene, of which are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already taken place, and upset the faith of some, but the foundation of God is firm, having this seal: Know the Lord to those who are his, and: Depart from iniquity whoever invokes the name of Not only are there utensils of gold and silver in a large house, but also of wood and clay, and some are for honorable uses and others for vile purposes, so if anyone cleanses himself of these things, it will be an instrument for honor, sanctified or, useful to the Lord, and ready for every good work. Flee also from the youthful passions, and follow justice, faith, love and peace, with those who with a pure heart invoke the Lord. But dismiss the foolish and foolish questions, knowing that they breed strife. Because the servant of the Lord should not be contentious, but kind to everyone, apt to teach, suffered; that he meekly correct those who oppose, lest God grant them that they should repent to know the truth, and escape the snare of the devil, in that they are captives at his will.


Timothy is again exhorted to persevere in faith, to fulfill the duty of a faithful servant of the Lord by rightly using the Word of the Lord, and to avoid vain and profane words.

  • Paul describes the ideal minister, 2 Timothy 2: 1-6.
  • The minister is a faithful teacher, 2 Timothy 2: 1-2.
  • The minister is a good soldier, 2 Timothy 2: 3-4.
  • The minister is a victorious athlete, 2 Timothy 2: 5.
  • The minister is a diligent husbandman, 2 Timothy 2: 6.

Live as a worker who does not need to be ashamed

What are the reasons for shame?

  • Bad testimony
  • Strife
  • Screaming
  • Illicit business
  • Others
Be diligent. " Paul reminds Timothy that only a fervent and diligent minister can correctly represent his Lord and fulfill the difficult mission entrusted to him, While the Christian works with his neighbors and for them, he must always remember that the eyes of God are fixed on him. It is God whom the Christian must finally satisfy

The Christian missionary must be known by everyone for his impeccable life and the positive and optimistic way in which he faces the different problems of life.

As Paul's trade was to make tents (see Acts 18: 3), he knew well how important it was for a worker to work so well that he did not have to "be ashamed" of his work.

Use the Word well


A Son approved by God should use the word as it is written. not at your convenience not with your own favor, we would not be doing anything then to whom we minister so if we ourselves are the same hypocritical lie, today there are many churches that use the sacred scriptures for their own benefit. This is when I say you see the miracles of God on you but are you really getting approved by him? Who you are cheating? When God sees everything, let us use the word of God for a healthy nodule, so it hurts so hit the word but it is as God wants to live in holiness live in harmony with your family and a marriage planted in the rock that is Christ.

Deuteronomy 32: 4

It should not be contentious

Because the servant of the Lord should not be contentious, but kind to everyone, apt to teach, suffered; that he meekly correct those who oppose, lest God grant them to repent to know the truth, and escape from the snare of the devil, in that they are captives at his will
Paul refers especially to the Christian minister. Or "it is not convenient for you to alter." The minister's time is too valuable for you to waste on "foolish and foolish questions" In addition, he should set a good example for the members of his church by emphasizing what is essential for the Christian: the building up of character. Be kind to everyone. That is, those who are members of the church and those who are not.

Brothers and sisters, it is not easy to fulfill the ministerial work, never was nor will it be; it will continue until its very completion. You suffer cold, heat and hunger. Being suffering implies being "indulgent," "capable of enduring abuse," just as Christ endured them to save us from our sins.

The "servant of the Lord" will teach others as his Master did. Those of little education were captivated by the good will of Christ to put themselves at the level of the humble. Although Jesus spoke with fervor and authority, he never disconcerted his listeners or put pressure on them. He kindly varied his presentation of the truth to suit his listeners. The educated and the ignorant were attracted by their love and sympathy, because they felt that Christ identified with their needs and interests. We must correct those who are wrong with meekness.

Or "know fully", "know correctly". Those who have repented have witnessed in the lives of Christian teachers the real results of obeying the truth. They recognize that truth is the only satisfactory answer to human problems.

The admonitions of every leader or leader of a church; Every pastor must be firm and meek, but he must never compromise or consent to the sin or apostasy of others. That is why we read Ellen G. White the following statement: "Those who do not have enough courage to rebuke evil, or who out of indolence or lack of interest do not make earnest efforts to purify the family or the church of God, are held responsible. of the evil that results from his neglect of duty. We are so responsible for the evils that we could have prevented in others by the exercise of parental or pastoral authority, as if we had committed those acts ourselves "(Patriarchs and Prophets)


Every worker of God must:

  • Live your Christianity without having anything to be ashamed of.
  • Use the Word well.
  • Avoid the exercise of vain babblings and profane (mundane)
  • Flee from the youthful passions, and
  • he should avoid being contentious with everyone, both with brothers and sisters, and with those who are not of our faith.


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