Happy Anniversary To The Legendary Sirknight

Image Sourced From @liltom002

Wow! Where do I start from? I met this great personality on this amazing platform last year and ever since my life changed.

You know, when they say distance is not a barrier? I can totally relate to this statement. When it comes to leadership, distance is nothing!

Sirknight, I am not trying to sound this trumpet to make you happy, but I am saying this cos you desire all the compliment.

You are a man of a few words yet your action speaks volume. I admire a lot of qualities in you as a person. I can hardly pick what I love most about You, but the fact you never get mad at us amazes me. I mean, how are you this composed?

You are rare
You are a born leader
You are amazing
You are awesome
You are a living testimony of God's glory
You are understanding
You never impose anything on anyone

Look at all you have accomplished in two years. It shows how focused you are as a person. It also shows where you have channeled your energy. You gave a voice to all parishioners, you have defended us so well.

Thank you for putting a smile on my face and on the faces of all parishioners.

Happy Anniversary @Sirknight! Greater you, I pray!
God give you the grace to accomplish your set goals. May He grant you the wisdom to lead and impact more positively to those who look up to you on this platform. God bless & keep you, amen!

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