Do not see the obstacles, see the opportunity

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Why does God allow tribulations? There are many reasons, but they can be summarized in one word: benefits. He sees the benefits.

The trials and tribulations strengthen and shape our character. They make us better people and better Christians.

If it ever seems to you that the trials, tribulations and difficulties you face are so intense that you can not stand them, do not forget that the Lord is greater than these. Entrust them to Him.

I can do everything in Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

If God is working in your life in order to cultivate a certain quality in you, the process may take a little longer. A piece of coal does not turn into a diamond overnight; The same happens with us.

When it seems that you have reached the limit of your strength, hold on a bit more. Many times patience is the key that opens the bedroom door of God's blessings.

Tribulation produces patience; and patience, proof; and the test, hope. Romans 5: 3-4

The difficulties enrich us. They move us from the plane of superficial everyday life and the hustle and bustle of modern life to the spiritual dimension, which is deeper. Likewise, by perceiving the divine power and seeing God take us forward in difficult situations, they increase our faith and our hope that He will watch over us regardless of the storms that come our way.

As our current difficulties are small and will not last long. However, they produce a glory that will last forever and that is much more weight than difficulties! 2 Corinthians 4:17

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