The bread of Life!!

Peace and prosperity for all readers of this publication!

A prophet said: "The flour in the vessel will not be finished ..." (1 Kings 17.14).


However, the objective was not flour, but bread. Bread to live. Jesus is the bread of life (John 6.48).

Doing this for us has cost everything! He said: "But I have to go through a baptism, and as I am distressed until it is fulfilled" (Luke 12:50). He needed to lower more and more - to the depths of death by the cross.

Do not believe that, after having gone through a humiliation, now you are ready. No, that will be only the beginning. Those who believe in the Lord will never be "ready" here on earth (see Philippians 3.12). It is necessary to go deeper and deeper, until you are called by the Lord. I know people from associations and communities that were so satisfied with themselves to the point of believing that nothing else is missing. Unfortunately, they do not distrust that it is precisely this positioning that means death.

The flour must be kneaded and hit enough; I myself observed how long the flour persists stubbornly in the vessel, until it slowly begins to loosen. Did the process then come to an end? Do not! Then the dough is placed in the hot oven. Who did not feel the delicious smell of freshly baked bread?

Becoming the bread of life for us has cost Jesus everything.

What did Jesus say? "I am the bread of life, and if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever" (John 6.48,51). And Hebrews 3:14 says: "Well, we become participants in Christ, since, in fact, we got attached to the end to the confidence we had in the beginning."

Do not be surprised if, despite having a full yes for Jesus Christ, he is still placed in the furnace of suffering! - Just as Jesus was the bread, so you must be bread for others.

Just as Jesus gave himself to the world through suffering (Hebrews 2: 9-10), so you must also go through suffering


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