Promotions in professional life

Speaking of Ascension, theme promoted by @sirknight on the imminent rise of the beatitudes on May 30, I want to share with you some tips to get promotions in your professional life.

I have more than 12 years in the oil industry and thank God I enjoy work well-being, my promotions have been successful thanks to the team with whom I work but above all to my sacrifices.


Some career experts say that in the day you join a company, you should start planning your next job and get a promotion at work. And do you know of one thing? You must even! Just make sure you will focus enough on the job for which you were hired, guaranteeing success and excellence in that position before looking at the next.

Promotions are not an acquired right. If, previously, they were conquered as officials progressed on the long road during their careers, with the impact of technology, globalization and new organizational structures, that paradigm changed. Today, employees have to create and manage their own careers in one or several organizations.

In today's post, we have brought several important stages for you to win a promotion at work. Join us!

I. Develop orientation relationships

A recent study found that, in five articles, four professionals involved who had a mentoring relationship with someone superior in the company, who had helped develop their skills.

Some companies have formal tutoring programs, but even if your company does not do this, there are still ways to build professional relationships with people in higher positions in the company. Mentors can be great sources of information, maturation and guidance.

II. Quantify your results

Build your promotion based on facts and facts. It does not serve to speculate on professional qualities when you do not have to demonstrate, in practice, what you boast. Therefore, to establish the basis for your professional growth, be able to clearly demonstrate the results you achieve in your career.

Keep a record of all the good fruits achieved by you, such as:

The increase in productivity in your area;
The increase in sales volume or profit margin obtained by a marketing action;
The cost reduction obtained through process optimization;

The improvement of the institutional image of your company or department.
Remember that it is important to base that data with numbers, listing everything creative and innovative that was done to obtain them and showing your loyalty and commitment to the organization.

III. Practice self-promotion

Modesty is a virtue and will not stop being so. We are taught by our parents that modesty is a quality, but in the case of your work, if nobody knows what you are doing, you simply will not get to the front. Make yourself known. If you have had great achievements, have created new programs or have prizes, make sure everyone knows about this - especially the people who give the promotions.

IV. Establish a link with your boss

Think of your superior as one of the border guards between countries. He can be the one who raises the door and gives way to his next position within the company, or he can keep the door closed, blocking his access to any movement within the company. Use every opportunity to always make your boss take one more turn in the key of your promotion.

Use performance evaluations not only to accomplish your tasks, but to talk to your boss about potential obstacles to promotion - and how to overcome these difficulties.

Some experts also suggest building relationships with their boss, learning more about their interests and hobbies outside - and then talking about them for conferences, parties or other informal activities.

V. Acquire new skills and knowledge

It is evident that one of the best ways to succeed and get a promotion at work is to expand your skills and joint knowledge in critical areas for the company. As technology and other environmental forces change rapidly, you need a growing skill set, not just to do your job, but to stay commercial.

Experts suggest that employees who want to get ahead should not only stay updated with news and industry events, but also by paying attention to trends and events outside of their specialty.

VI. Build your network of contacts

The more people you know, the more you spread your strengths and abilities. Other people know their value to the organization and will know (at least some) their ambitions. Thus, your name is more likely to be discussed when opportunities arise.

An additional benefit of networking is that you learn much more about the company when you interact with people from other areas of the organization.

VII. Ask for more responsibilities

Volunteering to help other teams or departments - or simply asking for more responsibilities - increases your value within the company. Asking for more work shows your interest and desire in helping your department and company to succeed, as well as putting a focus on your value to the organization.

VIII. Act professionally at all times

Gaining the reputation of being reliable, professional and cooperative is essential, but it goes beyond one action or another. Some points that need to be observed are:

Dressing well and professionally - even on occasional work days;
Ask when you are not sure how to do something;

Hear to be different - think outside the box;
Keep a positive view of the facts, even in difficult situations;
Do not complain or complain - or blame others - when things do not go your way;
Finally, be a problem solver. Do not go to your boss with obstacles. If a difficult situation arises, do not forget to come up with at least one solution before seeking your boss's blessing to deal with the situation. Problem solvers are promoted. People who only complain and expect the boss to solve the difficulties, no.

IX. Create your own opportunities

After studying the needs and challenges of the company, if you see an area that has been neglected - and you have knowledge of it - write a proposal for a new position.

Even if the company does not give you the new position immediately, you have shown your initiative, creativity and value at that time, and this can help you the next time you ask for a promotion.

Remember that a promotion is not always an upward path. Sometimes - especially in today's business environment - you may need a lateral movement to then position yourself for an upward movement later on.

I hope you liked this post today. As we have seen, with small daily practices, it is possible to stand out a lot in the professional environment, guaranteeing a promotion at work as soon as possible.



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