Jesus, the shepherd looking for the lost sheep

Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees and teachers of the law for receiving and eating with "sinners." But what they did not understand was that Jesus was justly looking for those who needed forgiveness, salvation and change of life.

In Luke 15, Jesus compared himself to a shepherd looking for a missing sheep and is very happy to find it. This means that the desire of Christ is to bring all those who have been lost and turn away from him.

To illustrate this fact, Jesus told the story of a father. His son left home and lived irresponsibly, wasting all his inheritance, and impoverished about to go hungry. Regretfully, the son returned to his father's house and, embarrassed, asked him to accept him as one of his employees. However, the father, full of compassion, embraced and kissed him, gave him the best clothes and made a party to be happy for his return. He said: "This my son was dead and he came back to life, he was lost and he was found". (Luke 15.24)

Maybe you feel like that son who got lost! Who knows that he has been away from God for a long time and has been involved with several things that led his life from bad to worse?

Learn that Jesus wants to give you a new opportunity! He wants to forgive all his sins and give him the opportunity to start life again next to him.

Do you want to do this today? Talk to God!

Confess to Him all your mistakes, ask Him to forgive you. Tell the Lord with sincerity that you want to change your life. Do this same that your sins are many and your errors are serious.


The grace and love of God are greater than all his past and the blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed on the cross in its place, can purify it. Jesus has the power to save him, strengthen him every day and make you a new person!

God bless the Christian family of the Steem Church!


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