STEEMCHURCH: obedience with joy


"Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling." - Psalm 2.11

This verse collects or summarizes the essence of the Christian life, serving God with joy; note that he puts it in parallel: "Serve ... and rejoice," or implicitly come out in front of what has been called a mere obedience, that is, that glorifies the Lord crown or clothe Christian obedience with joy. The submission of the Believer must be wrapped in joy.

And certainly it can not be otherwise. It would be bad business to bring the Savior a naked obedience, or mere obedience; True obedience to Christ is mixed: "Rejoice with trembling." Joy and fear are the two sources from which all human action arises; but we must remember that from Adam we inherit a fallen nature, and as a consequence our inclination is to go to one extreme or the other; On the one hand, when the life of faith is put as if everything
Out of joy, one runs the risk of being a joyful religious; On the other hand, if he concentrates only on fear, he will degenerate into rigidity, legalism, or superstitious servility. The ideal is how the Spirit of revelation has established it, moderate joy with fear: "Serve Jehovah with joy." There are good things, and better ones, or doing good with joy is the best. Thus the journey that you have ahead will be pleasant and of benefit to your soul, even beyond death.

Faith in Christ Transports Joy. Let's look closely at this text: "The Lord is my strength and my shield; In him my heart trusted, and I was helped, For that my heart was glad, And with my song I will praise him "[Psalm 28: 7]; here the psalmist denotes having a great friend: "Jehovah"; his inner power: "God is my strength"; his protection: "God is my shield"; his stillness of mind: "God is my confidence, or in him he trusted my heart", and he was favored: "I was helped"; and when that set of goods concur in a person, its result is this: "For what my heart was glad." True religion conveys joy, and comes for the simple reason that God is one.

In the multitude of events that come to one, it is not always possible to know who are the friends and who are the enemies, but it is enough to know that we are under the protection of an invisible Guardian who takes care of each and every one of our steps; moreover, that the divine Government is of total mercy towards the Believer, in such a way that no adversity can destroy its peace; hear it: "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also give us all things?" Romans 8:32, that is, if your nature is weak, would strengthen If your virtues are deficient, I would forgive you; and if the providence were unfavorable to you, comes His promise: "To those who love God, all things work together for good, that is, to those who are called according to their purpose" [Romans 8:28]. Your prosperity is a blessing, and your adversities of sanctification.
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The life of Faith in Christ requires Joy.

When we say that it requires it, we mean that we are called to cultivate it. More than that, a proof of our sincere love for Christ must be to obey him with joy, because if we do not enjoy ourselves, we would imply that the promised has no value, or that the promised immortality is not as excellent as Christ has said; worse still, that the belief would not be genuine and its practice can not be stable. A Christian life without joy, in principle is not sincere. Contemplating a beautiful sunset brings us joy, or that joy is caused by the beauty and goodness of the object we see. No one, absolutely no one can turn to God in repentance and faith, unless he sees that Christ is true and good, or of excellent benefit, or that it is good for me. A case: "And it came to pass that by blessing them he separated himself from them, and was taken up into heaven. They, having worshiped him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy "[Luke 24: 51-52]; they proved that the words and promises of Jesus were true and good, that he was indeed the Son of God in the flesh; note: "They returned to Jerusalem with great joy." Obedience with joy is proof of a sincere love for Christ. Hardly anyone can compromise a man's will to any duty, unless he finds pleasure in doing so.


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