God is like Jesus Christ. It is the reason why God came into the world in the form of a man called Jesus. He made God visible to us, and became our Redeemer.

WHO IS GOD? How is he? Can we even begin to understand it?

If you are asking these questions, welcome. We have all asked ourselves these questions at some time, out loud or in our hearts, because we can not look at the world around us and not ask ourselves about its creation and its Creator. Just as a clock has to have a designer, this very precise universe has a Great Designer. We call him God. His name is well known to the entire human race. But how is God?

The answer is actually quite simple: God is like Jesus Christ. It is the reason why God came into the world in the form of a man called Jesus. He made God visible to us, and became our Redeemer. When Jesus returned to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us who believe in Him.


God has revealed himself to us in the book called the Bible. By reading the Bible with great care and regularity, we can discover what God is like.
Just as a diamond has many facets, so there are many different aspects of God. With our limited space, we can only review four of its most significant attributes.


God is Spirit

First, the Bible declares that God is spirit. Once, speaking with a woman at the well of Sychar, Jesus made this simple statement: "God is a Spirit" (John 4:24).

What image brings to mind the word spirit? Do you think of a vestige of steam that drifts in the air? Is spirit just a nothing without form for you? Is that what Jesus wanted to say about God?

Do not! Spirit means "without body." Moreover, it is the opposite of the body. However, it is as real as the pages of this book, or more so.

God is a Person

Second, the Bible reveals God as a Person. Throughout the whole Bible it is said "God loves", "God says", "God does". Everything we attribute to a person is attributed to God. A person is someone who feels, thinks, desires and has all the expressions of personality.

Our finite mind can not conceive a person who is not flesh and blood. We know that our personalities will not always be dressed in the bodies they now inhabit, but we have a hard time accepting it.

God is not limited by a body, however he is a person. He feels, thinks, loves, forgives, sympathizes with the problems and sorrows we face.

God is Holy and Fair

Third, the Bible says that God is a holy and just Being. From the first book of the Bible to the last, God reveals himself as a holy God. It is absolutely perfect and pure in every detail. He is too holy to tolerate sin, too holy to endure sinful lifestyles.

God is love

Fourth, "God is love" (1 John 4: 8). Although God's holiness demands that all sin be punished, the love of God provides the plan and form of redemption for us. God loves us, despite our sin! The love of God provided the cross of Jesus, by which we can receive forgiveness. It was the love of God that sent his Son to die in our place on the cross.


When someone asks me how I can be so sure of who and what God really is, it reminds me of the story of the little boy who was flying a kite. It was a beautiful day to fly kites; the wind blew and great clusters of clouds crossed the sky. The kite climbed and climbed until it was hidden behind the clouds.


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