know the purpose help


>I remember that someone once said: "The effort and desire are not enough without purpose and direction."

Eli, my eldest son, was trying to teach me how to play a certain card game. He explained to me one and another rule: "Mom, you take this letter ... and then that other letter ... this letter is worth so much ... and that other one is worth so much." I said to him: "Well, that's fine, but what is the objective of the game? ? "

What is the purpose of what you are doing?

You may know all the rules and all the strategies but, if you do not know what the objective of the game is, you will never win. Everything else will not help you. But, when you do know the goal, everything else is useful.

There are many Christians who are like that. They know very well many of the "rules" of Christianity but do not know what the objective is. They do not know what is the purpose of living the Christian life. Think of a career. You can buy the best sports shoes, you can know how to breathe, how to run, and you may even be in good physical condition, but, if you
he does not know where the finish line is, he's in trouble!

Maybe you are following others? This is what many people in the church do. They follow others without any sense of purpose or direction. Sometimes it helps to follow others, but most of the time, it does not work. What
Does it happen if others do not know where they are going? The fact that there is a group of people does not mean that it is going in the right direction.

pura vida

I read on the web once that Somebody (who by the way I do not remember) said: "Do not follow a path already done. Go where there is not one and leave the mark, "and today I quote because it seems very appropriate to help me transmirtir the message that I want to share today with you @steemchurch brothers.

We must know in what direction we are going, what our purpose is. When we know the purpose we can focus, and when we are focused we can achieve the goals and fulfill the will of God in our lives and in the church.


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