Satan is a liar, and the Bible referred to him as the father of all lies (John 8:44). All lies originate with him. He lies to us in order to deceive us and make us believe what is not true about the Word of God. When a person is deceived he has no choice than to believe lies. The lies now becomes his reality because he believed them.


Some might believed the lies of Satan that they can never overcome their past, it might be the hard times they are going through, and the devil have come to make them believe that the problem is inevitable. Some might believe poverty runs through their linage and that's why they can never be rich, because their parents and people before them where all poor. many have been trapped in their past and simply have no way out.

Many people are miserable, hopeless, bitter and in turmoil all because they believed Satan's lie. The study of God's Word is the only thing that can save us from the bondage of satan.

People with long-standing financial difficulties are often convinced by Satan's lies that things will always be the way they are, some even go as far as selling their souls to the devil as a remedy from their financial difficulties, but rather turns out to be the biggest problem of their lives, some are even aware they will never live long after joining several occultic kingdoms but are blinded by their love for money, they ended up regretting on the last day when their lives are being demanded by their occultic kingdom. This is because they are never patient enough to wait for God's own time, the enemies tells them they will never have anything, never own a decent car, house of their own except they strike a deal that will not make them live long and possibly donate a good number of their family and linage. Many end up making their family useless and empty because of their love for money. Now what is the gain?. "Satan is a big liar."


God's Word says in Deuteronomy 29:9, that he wants us to prosper. It states that we will be blessed in everyway when we walk in the direction of God. Satan seeks to keep people hopeless, hopelessness steals our God given peace and joy.

Refuse to be hopeless, be like Abraham, of whom it is said that although he had no reason to hope, he hoped on in faith that God's promises would come to pass in his life. As he waited he gave praise and glory to God, and satan was not able to defeat him with doubt and unbelief (Romans 4:18-20).


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