Comfort Zone - the real culprit

comfort zone.png

This day today, after so long,
I managed to move out of my comfort zone,
The zone that kept me somewhat happy, somewhat not,
But, I was happy, at least, kind of…

I did not want to move out of my comfort zone,
Fearing what will happen if it is gone…
In this situation, I know, I am not alone
It made me lousy and unprogressive,
Now it’s time to be aggressive…

Move out of it now or never,
I said to myself, not to regret it ever…
It is time to quit all failures and all fear,
All the limits that comfort zone had set,
Quit all today, as I move ahead…

Put all worries in back gear and I move out..
Yes, move out of this comfort zone,
That has kept me shackled for this long…
I break this barrier today and stop playing the blame game,
Destiny for no reason has always been blamed.

She is upset for being cursed,
With lame excuses, she has got hurt.
The real culprit is our own,
Yes, it is our own comfort zone…

Let us gather courage and quit this evil,
Free the destiny from all excuses...
It is time to accept our failures,
Put on gears, and challenge limits…

It gives me so much pleasure, I admit…
I have learned to challenge my limit

Yes, I have challenged limits of my own
As today, I have moved out of my comfort zone.

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