Ustadz Abdul Somad: LGBT Disease, Not Giving God Dai from Riau, Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS), stated that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) is a disease that must be cured, in the view of any teaching and any group.

"Yes (LGBT) is a disease, I do not declare it God's gift," he said when in a live broadcast interview a private televisionUstadz-Abdul-Somad-UAS-di-Jakarta-by-Zulkarnain-edit1-1-35a1k4u9j6sye15deeqe4g.jpg He said that LGBT can be handled. "He (LGBT, Red) can be changed," he added.

UAS added, handling for LGBT actors is changed with the teachings that are believed. In Islamic teachings according to him Muslims do not kill LGBT actors but hostile to his actions.

"In Islamic teachings about LGBT there is a step between before, medium, and after," he said.

The move, according to UAS, is a precautionary measure previously, as taught by the Prophet, namely alienating. Then the next step, the punishment if LGBT behavior occurs.

"There is action," he explained.

Read: May LGBT Actors Recover Soon

The last step is, UAS says, the extraordinary curse on a man who resembles a woman and vice versa, a woman resembles a man. "(So) do not just kill it," he said.

UAS also hopes, there are steps that must be applied in handling LGBT. With the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Religious Affairs, it is expected to work together with local governments to see the potential of LGBT inclusive, including children.

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