Complete! Night Prayer Nisfu Sha'ban and 3 Main Practices, Do not Miss

Sha'ban is derived from the word syi'ab which means road on the mountain. In the month of Sha'ban, Muslims will prepare for a special month, the month of Ramadan. This month is also referred to as a month full of blessings and goodness.God will open the door of grace and forgiveness as much as possible this month. Therefore, perbanyaklah worship, one of them fasting sunna. According to the hadith of HR Al Bukhari, mentioned Prophet Muhammad SAW more often fasting sunah in the month of Sha'ban compared to fasting sunah in other month.In addition to performing the fast of sunna, also continued to live the night of Sha'ban or Nisfu Sha'ban night.
Sayyid Muhammad bin 'Alawi Al-Maliki explains that there is much glory in Nisfu Sha'ban's night.It is also mentioned that on that night, God will forgive those who ask forgiveness on the night of Nisfa Sha'ban, loving the one who asks for love, frees a group of inhabitants of hell, answers the prayer of the one who asks, to enlarge the suffering of the troubled person.

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