So episode 7 is here
''My father just like i said I haven't come to harm anyone, I have come in peace.......'' he pause for some minutes after which he continued ''My father I didn't really plan for this visit today but I was really too anxious of seeing the sun that rises in the morning and the moon that gives light at night. I just couldn't hold back the fact that a glowing flower grew in the middle of a great desert. My father the sun has risen in your household and I came to see the sun''. Mr. James feeling honoured pretended he understood nothing ''My prince, you are still young yet you speak in parables just like your father the King, you are really the son of your father. But my prince our people said when a father flogs his child it doesn't mean hatred rather he is trying to correct the mistake the child made. When a father shouts at the son sometimes it means he didn't understand what his son said. My prince you have said everything in parables why don't you break it down to a childs level....hehehehe'' everybody laughed. The prince proceeded ''My father just like i said when the time comes everything will be broken down to a child's level.... Please my Father can I ask you for a favour?'' ''Why not? You can ask whatever favour you want from me. It will be of a great honour if I could grant the prince of this great kingdom a favour.'' The prince looked at Juliet and smiled while Juliet bent her head feeling shy. '' Please allow Juliet your daughter to be a friend to the royal family.'' The prince said wearing a pathetic face. ''well my prince i have heard what you said but lets hear from her mouth abii.....hehehehe....'' they all laughed ''Now Juilly tell us what you think?'' she smiled and said ''Father i have no problem becoming a friend to the Royal household'' ''My prince i think your request has been granted'' said Juliet's father... Prince Vincent stood up and said ''wow thank you sir for granting my big brother's request.'' Then he turned to Prince Johnson and continued ''...I think we should be on our way now sir. Our attention maybe needed in the palace''...
Episode 8 coming soon...
Thanks to those who read and comment on my stories i really appreciate
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