International Psychogeography Institute Postcards Mailed Worldwide - Steembay Auction

Hi Steemians!

I haven't talked a whole lot about Psychogeography on here as of yet. Just one post so far!

I am the founder of The International Psychogeography Institute, which sounds more important than it really is. That's the great thing about psychogeography: it sounds so important! Anyone can become a psychogeographer. It's easy and fun. There is tons of psychogeographical information on the internet that you can read for free, including the Journal of International Psychogeography.

One of my goals for the IPI would be formally incorporate it as a non-profit. This takes money though. Selling postcards probably isn't going to get me enough money to formally incorporate as a non-profit, but hey, I've got to start somewhere! I would need a solid philanthropist who would consistently back the IPI, starting with achieving the non-profit status. Long term goals include buying a inexpensive Baltimore row house to serve as a headquarters, which would house traveling psychogeographers. I think big but am starting small with these postcards.

I will mail ONE International Psychogeography Institute Postcard anywhere in the world. It will have any message you want on the back (as long as it's short enough to fit on the postcard) and will be signed by me. With my real name!

The photo on the postcard was taken on a dérive on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay. It features Bob's Porch. Bob's Porch has a renowned calming effect than anyone can benefit from. No matter where you are or what happens, all you have to do is imagine that you are On Bob's Porch.

That is Bob himself in the red hat, sitting on his porch looking out over the Bay. You can see how calm and friendly he is!


Bids start at $3 Steem Based Dollars. If you want to buy one with US dollars you can purchase one on our Bonanza page. If you really want to splurge you can purchase the five pack and mail them out yourself.

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