Got @pixiepost to 40 SBI Units

Another week and another user gets to experience the life of being someone with 40 SBI units. Haha, this is gong a lot better than I thought(still can go better). Already with three users in two weeks is insane. I just gotta keep on going. What I love about this is that it not only helps the users I sponsor, but also my project which I'm sponsoring from(@giftgiver, if you are in need of Resource Credits check it out).

Sorry about the dealy with this post. Was tired yesterday, still am today but a little bit better.


Now it's time to find someone to replace @pixiepost's place in the list. Just a few rules with this. You(@pixiepost) can pick anyone who has between 0-39 SBI units. If you need to check how much they have, just head over to the SBI Discord and in the bot command room, type in !sbi theirUsername and you'll see their count. Just comment the name and why you think they should be taken up to 40, and I'll get on it. Please pick someone active in the community(not just posting, they might post once a month, but be active in other ways) and who will hopefully respond to the comments here. If I don't get a response within a week, I'll pick someone myself.

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Next up is someone I haven't interacted much with but do look forward to getting to know better. @prettynicevideo is currently at 16 shares. 14 to go. One to two weeks I'd estimate.

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