Steem And Me - 5 Questions Answered challenge by @snowpea

Steem & Dreem

We have another fun challenge made by @snowpea, and it's rippling throughout Steemit! I was nominated a few times in the past few days and finally got an opportunity to sit down to answer them! Here are the 5 questions! Hope you enjoy!

1.) In my opinion, what are the two greatest aspects of the steem platform?

This is really simple for me! It's the only place I know that pays you to have fun being creative! I absolutely love that not only do they provide a platform for author and creation rewards - but the rewards come in the form of crypto! I firmly believe that cryptocurrency is going to eventually REALLY catch on mainstream. Where else can you learn about crypto (hands-on) while investing into your own wallet? It's a brilliant concept, and I'm so happy to be one of the early adopters here!

The second aspect (which might actually be the first!) is that it's a close-knit community of international friends! Throughout the day, we get to speak to people all over the world, in every time zone, and hearing their voices on discord makes it seem like they are in the next room! Reading their posts (really really reading them! not just throwing a "like" on their post!) is such a precious way to get direct access into their hearts and minds. I LOVE Steemit because it connects my community through the bonds of friendship, creativity and love!

2.) What are the 2 largest complaints I have concerning the Steem platform?

Just one. The greatest complaint I had about the platform is that there were too many brilliant new Steemians falling through the cracks. Not to toot our horn, (toot toot) but I wasn't satisfied sitting back and complaining. I like to find solutions to problems. I think @welcomewagon does a fantastic job of supporting and training talented new Steemians - helping them to wade through the confusion and STAYING on the platform!

3.) What 2 moments are the most memorable to me?

Hands down, when I debuted a little idea on @shadowspub's PYPT show - I was nervous but hopeful that it was a fun, little game. The next day, I had a DM from Shadows asking me if I wanted to be a permanent part of her PYPT show! We went on hiatus, but I've been thinking about doing a little 4 week return of Capt'n Dreemsteem's Treasure Hunt - if @shadowspub is still interested! hehehehe What do you think, Shadows? :)

The second memory was also with @shadowspub! She hosted a Witness Chat in April where I came up with the idea for @welcomewagon. It's September, we're growing strong each week - and the rest, as they say, is history! or.... is it the future to come? Maybe both! :)

4.) What are the two most important lessons I've learned in my time as a Steemian?

Simply, don't take things personally. Let me repeat that:
You'll save yourself a LOT of headaches.

Also simply...

"Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace." - Dalai Lama

You know who you are, and you most likely can see who they are. Be content knowing your own heart and your own actions. When you start to feel the urge to defend yourself - pause. Ask yourself what you're trying to prove. The people who matter, don't need proof. The people who don't matter, don't matter.

5.) Out of my entire time here, what 2 posts am I most proud of?

This was tricky. But, I went back to look at all my posts (on @eonwarped's AMAZING tool to see all your posts in one place - just substitute MY name for YOUR name in the URL, when it loads) and these are probably the two.

* Why whites shouldn't marry blacks One of my first posts. Controversial, vulnerable, transparent.

*My 26 day Detox After I returned from my Steemit hiatus, I wrote these. I thought it was hilarious when I actually DID the detox and pretty funny talking about all the crazy things FROM the detox. It was where I met @andysantics48, @kiwideb, @zen-art, @d-vine, @robmenzies... and more - and every day I had a BLAST giggling with them! If you'd like the full comedy (or tragedy???) you'll see the links for all 26 days on the bottom of Day 26 here. Enter at your own risk. LOL

The End!

I hope you enjoyed my answers and getting to know me a little bit better :) For tagging... ohhhh it's so hard to know who has been tagged and who hasn't! If you'd like to do it - I'm sure @snowpea would LOVE to read your answers - as well as the rest of us! But... as far as people who might not have been tagged yet??? how about the @buddyup team??? @penderis, @monchhichi23, and @tamala - and I can't forget my @andysantics48 either hehehe have fun ;)

Images used in this post were all taken from pixabay or my own! :)
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