PROPOSAL "STEEM UNITED" 2.0 by @jackmiller (witness)


Note: This IS NOT my second submission of proposal for the endeavour that is being embarked upon and temporarily named “Steemalliance”.

However, it is directly related to everything that has been going on with @steemalliance.

During the “Town Hall” meeting the other day a number of things became very clear.
All of it was confirmed in the show held by @pennsif the other night, definitely confirmed 100%.

One of those being the dire need for an effective and acceptable means of joint communications and coordination for all of us Steemians.

The second thing that became obvious is that many people still haven’t grasped the grand picture of this endeavour being started in the “steemalliance” server.

Which is nothing out of the ordinary, after all, it is a great big leap forwards for our ecosystem and so many people still can’t see all the potentials that Steem has to offer to the world of business and then add all this to it too.

There is actually so much happening as I type this, everything from the separation of wallet on, which opens the doors to simplifying the creation of new front ends hooked up to our blockchain, to the coding of the DAO being done at 100 miles per hour, which shall neutralize our competitors (if incorporated into the financial-ecosystem of Steem) to this decentralization and potential somewhat separation of powers which we are making happen via “steemalliance”. All this is a lot to take in such a short time.

However, none the less, there are many great people out there who are sharing their ideas and suggestions and a lot of these get lost in all the noise and very unorganized communications.

Sharing of ideas is definitely the light at the end of this tunnel we have been in for so long.

“Sharing is caring” and this fact gives all of us all the more reason to put in 110%.

The future “foundation”, no matter what form it may take, being that of a traditional foundation or be it a registered company, or any other form that we the community may decide upon is at this point no longer a burning topic.
Various options have been presented, the community shall make its decision via voting and that is that.

From all the proposals out there, it could end up that we have a combination of various aspects from various proposals. We may very well decide to take what we believe to be the best out of each proposal and combine all that into one all-round management schematic.

Anything is possible at this stage in the game.

At the Town Hall meeting that I mentioned, I was given an opportunity to talk. Although I may not be the best of ‘public speakers’, I made it very clear how I have the user account @steemunited reserved.

Likewise I have a number of different variations of it reserved, “better safe than sorry” as the old saying goes.

I also made it very clear that I have reserved the same domain names too.

I put the offer out there that if we Steemians want to use this name and these addresses, that I as a Steemian and Steem Witness am more than willing to hand them over for the good of Steem.

To add a bit of background to all this, as I mentioned at the meeting. I had foreseen the need for decentralization and a separation of powers back in 2017. It was only a matter of time until these processes started to come to life.

Likewise, it was clear to me back then that we Steemians are in dire need of a coordination centre, a place where we can all get together and talk Steem. Not just prices or coding or one particular community, but everything Steem related, from social networking through to business.

I was hoping for this to happen much earlier, however the past is in the past, no need to dwell upon it.

We are now in a perfect situation to make this happen. We have seen just how important it is to get together and communicate, coordinate and work together, so let’s make it happen.

It is of vital importance that we unite all our human resources as we did during the Netcoins poll/contest. Respecting each other and putting Steem as our number one priority as stake holders.

We showed the world that we can unite when needed.

We saw how we can make things happen.


So what I am proposing here is an actual split of my initial proposal.

Whereby the communications and coordination portion of my initial proposal is a proposal in itself and can serve all Steemians.

So, here it is, my second submission shall be concentrated on putting into place what Steem so clearly needs. Instead of just “words on a screen” an actual call to action for one and all.

Steem United – Shall from this point forwards be used as the name for the communications and coordination center.
While the proposal for the foundation shall be simply called @jackmiller’s proposal.

Hence we now have a proposal that is in line with the original scope of what the group using the name @steemalliance set forth to accomplish.


A proposal that is for ALL OF STEEM, ALL US STEEMIANS and which in effect has nothing to do with “foundation” or “foundations” alone as such.

To help clearly define what I am putting forwards here:

As per the communications (& coordination) part of my initial proposal I am hereby putting the best interests of Steem in first place again and ensuring that we get exactly what we need to make Steem become the dream.

As stated above, there are many Steemians who are putting in a lot of effort into submitting proposals. Many more who are participating via proactive and very constructive discussions.

All this positivity and energy must not be lost now that we have it back.
Let’s all unite and make possible the same synergy we had back when the Netcoins poll/contest was up for grabs!

We all use Discord and most of us are utilizing it as a daily means of communications.
So Discord is a logical solution/tool for our communication needs as Steemians.

There is absolutely no need to touch on or delve into any of the existing community Discord servers.
Each community is still where they are, in their existing servers and as such should remain independent. We do not want centralization, we actually want to nurture the beauty of individuality. After all, it is our individuality that makes us all unique as humans and we as individuals make all our Steemian communities on Discord unique.

All of our communities have representatives.

Yet there is not one place for all these community representatives to talk openly with each other with the ability to coordinate efforts.

Some of the things that come to mind:

All of these great ideas for foundations which probably will become community run foundations will need a place to present their proposals to the public, without having to go around and post links in 1,001 different Discord servers.

All of our Witnesses are on Steem Chat, yet most spend a great deal of time on Discord, without any one Discord server in which they can be a part of everything that is for the entire Steemian nation. Again, something that can be of great benefit to everyone if we have it set up and use it.

All of the developers and project managers among us are spread out over various different Discord servers.
& the list just goes on and on.

It is clear that the time has come to make a communications centre, a place in which we the Steemians are united in our communications. Where we can revive the same spirit and approach that we had when we all pitched in for the Netcoins poll/contest.

We can do it.

We need to do it, for the good of Steem and all us Steemians.

There is no time like the present!

Right here and now, to make it happen.

A time in which unity is definitely in the air we breathe. A time when we are all looking at the future of Steem and are united in our intentions and wishes to make Steem become everything it can be.

So here it is,


Check it out and see what I was talking about in my proposal.

Now remember, this is above and beyond any “proposal” this is a call to action, an invitation for everyone to hop in and invite all your fellow Steemians to join this Discord server.

To help make possible what was obviously missing to date in our Steemian nation.

No matter what the final make up/structure of the future “Foundation” may be, this communications centre can remain independent and in the hands of the people/Steemians. It needs to serve its purpose.

This was the missing link for way too long.

We Steemians can mould it into what we believe is effective. The server as is, has rooms set up as per the logic and needs defined in this post.

You can see for yourself why I emphasized this part of the proposal.

There is not one person who can lay claim/ownership to something that we Steemians make for Steem.

We the people, all as individuals and as equals can layout the terms and conditions upon which Admins are names, moderators etc etc etc.

As we had a temporary working group, likewise we can use this method to build this coordination and communications centre.

For the time being, the name can be what it is, we can change it at any time in future.

The goal here is to walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. To make things move forwards and for them to actually start bringing in results.

Even if this server be a stepping stone to something else in future, let it be a step that we take forwards. Instead of just standing on the spot.

Let’s start getting things done as Steemians and put aside any tribal instincts. We are the Steemian nation, we make Steem what it is. We the Steemians are Steem!

Every Steemian, every community, every project, are all important to the future of Steem.

Let’s give it a go, there is no one person among us who is more worthy or valuable, we are all one among equals as human beings and as such we are all important if we want to see Steem become the dream.

As my pledge states:

I most sincerely believe that this SYNERGY is the most important aspect of our future!

Anyone interested in downloading my original proposal, here is the post with the relevant link:

PROPOSAL "STEEM UNITED" 1.0 by @jackmiller (witness)

Yours truly,

If you want an avatar and other graphics like my “Robotroo” contact @jimramones


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