We Are Still Very Early In This Game - $6/Steem Is Cheap


Where do you think you and I are on this curve?

As I present the idea of the steem blockchain to people and steemit.com as an example, I am reminded constantly that you and I are not the average person. We are an incredible group of pioneers that discovered something way before it became popular.

Some may feel that it's unfair how much some people like me have SteemPower because I was there before the very first payout of steem on this faithful day of July 4th 2016...or by the fact that I was there when Steem was set to hyper-inflate. That may be true but it won't help them to make the best of the situation they are in right now nor will it change the fact that in 5 years, people will tell you they wish they were there when you were!

$6/Steem Is Still Very Cheap

  1. What is the value of a technology that allows the monetization of content without ads?
  2. What is the value of a technology that allows you to transfer infinite amount of value, in 3 seconds, with no fees?
  3. What is the value of dozens of social media websites built on top of that technology?
  4. What is the value of a technology that allows each of those websites to have their own reward tokens(Smart Media Tokens), launch ICOs and a zero-fee decentralized exchange?

I'm telling you my friends, we are still early and $6/Steem is really cheap when you realize the real value of such technology.

The proper attitude

So what is the proper attitude to take when we face that information? What mind frame each of us must take to maximize our experience and opportunity on this platform?

1- Take Massive Action

This thing is no joke and if you succeed at playing the steem game, add value, connect with influencers and work hard to make this place better...sooner or later, your rewards will climb. I've seen it happen. Late comers running surpassing account in terms of influence and value.

These people TAKE MASSIVE ACTION to make themselves a valuable member of the steem blockchain. They don't complain, don't play politics...they just put their minds to the grindstone and find solutions to problems that we face.

2- Don't Complain

Complainers are the biggest losers. Not only it doesn't put them in the right frame of mind to take massive action, it also repels people like me who could upvote their project or content. All-in-all, even if what they complain about is true and unfair, it doesn't help anyone to start a pity party.

3- Start a project

Start a project that extends beyond yourself. Look into projects like @sndbox or @steemstem. Those guys are the movers and shakers. They gained attention and influence by adding tremendous value to the steem blockchain. Find a problem, create a solution and market it until it gets traction. Build a discord channel around it and make this place better!


Within the next 5 years, considering the 4 points highlighted above, I can easily imagine STEEM reaching the $100 or more. That means that every single steem you are collecting right now could make a huge difference in the future...and all you had to do to make the best of it is to use your mind in the best possible way.

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