Utopian mod Kiaazad

I would normally not be bothered by a person’s actions. And I would tell them that I disagree and try to get my point across. Afterwards I would try to talk to them and then try to reach a consensus. But this person is plainly rude and has no manners what so ever. He is a just appointed moderator in the graphics section and in the few moments he is a mod he managed to offend and disrespect so many people it is just amazing.

All his text will be screenshots so he can’t go and change it.

I found out about this person because I made a contribution on utopian. He came in and told me this.


What I was wondering directly after this message was where he got this info. How did he check if it was actual clipart? And what was wrong with shapes – clipart in a logo. When I asked him that on discord he plainly said Because I say so. After a lot of sentences back and forth I came to the conclusion that this person is moderating in the assumption he is god and he decides everything.

I asked him one simple question. Why is this better then what I created.

He said we like original work better. And yours is not because you used clipart. So, I asked him if he created the ellipse tool and the square tool as well. No answer – go figure.

After this I started to receive a lot of messages on discord from different people having the same issues with this moderator. Some even worse then my experience. He judges material not on the graphics but on his personal taste / distaste. Nothing wrong with that he believes. Well it is.

He disapproved logo’s because he felt the existing one was better. When everyone else disagreed he just did not budge at all.

And then we did not speak about his arrogant and plainly unpolite conversation skills.

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Don’t we live in a system where your innocent until proven guilty. I understand a moderator has no time to go around the internet and search for every graphic ever made. But the way he says it is so ugly and distasteful that no one wants to help him out. Calling people dumb to get them to show you something? Pathetic!

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And who decides that? He told the creator of the logo to go and ask the developers if they found his better then what they already had ….. ?

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I agree that versioning might not be the best way to go. But was that final sentence really necessary? Didn’t his mom teach him to be respectful?

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And we are stil waiting on proof. He is douing this everywhere. After alot of complains he started to answer some with proof. And then i agree. Using someone elses work without saying so is not nice.

But there is nothing stating that you can't use free stock images.

Here are the rules at the moment of making this post.

  1. We reserve the right to reject a graphic contribution if we believe the work is not enough to be rewarded.
  2. You must provide samples of your creations directly on this post and include public links to the full design.
  3. This category is meant only for graphics/videos/motion graphics you have realised for an Open Source project.
  4. You must include every possible detail to verify the work done.
  5. You must provide the editable files, as PSD and similar source files.
  6. If you are providing a logo, you should also provide the different logo variations in terms of sizes and colors and also compare the new logo with the previous one, when applicable.
  7. T-shirts and merchandising in general are not welcome unless explicitly requested by the project owner.
  8. Never post about graphics you have already shared before.

I could continue and show you the disrespectfull chats i had with this person. But i guess reading this is horror enough :)

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