THE BASICS about what to know about STEEMIT

Hi guys, here is Zebu, New and French !

I'm gonna explain you a tittle about what to know to improve your experience on steemit !

I saw many people asking about steemit, "how do I get popular", "why do I lose my money over posts".
I saw many people wondering about the differences between steem power, steem dollars etc.
I saw many people answering to some of those questions. I bring to you a mix, the basics, the starter pack.

* What is the difference between steem power / steem dollar /and steem ?

STEEM is a basic crypo currency, based over the blockchain, exchangeable in to others crypto currencies or USD.
So it's from this currency that you can remove what you earned over your own wallet. 

STEEM POWER is a kind of index that indicated how much influential you are on steemit. The more you are, the more your votes and comments are influential, the more you earn steem. It is, in my opinion, the most important currency when you start over steemit, to get more and more influential. When you create a post, you can choose (bottom to the right) to earn 100% steem power, or 50% steem power / 50% steem.

STEEM DOLLARS is a currency used to promote your publication, and make it more apparent to the others.

* How do I get influential over steemit ? How do I know that i do ?

First, you can see a number, close to your name over your own blog page, which is an index about your popularity. When you start on steemit, you are at 25, it progress with time. People around 70 are the most popular on steemit. People who are under 25,  get flagged, meaning that they were insulting, or that their contents were inappropiate, or that they copy the contents of others. You can be inspired  from others, but you really have to respect them and their work !

Then, to get popular, there  is no "start button". As every one, you have to create some interesting content, about the crypto world, about what you get passionate by, but I'm not sure that steemit is the appropirate place to post about your cat or you dog (facebook is better for that). I know that many people do it, but I'm personally against that, sorry !
So comment, post, and never leave comments from your post without any answers. You need to be daily active on steemit (okay if you miss one or two days, it's nothing, you have a life don't worry ;), but that doesn't mean that you should post 20 times per day, no. It means that your posts have to be reflected and constructive (with a really good head title, that's  what will lead people to read you) : intro, clear, with titles, pictures. You have to catch the reader, know who you speak to and be focused on your subject ! 

Also, don't forget that steemit is a social network, so the best way to be important on the platform, is to create connections and values by exchanging and being connected to other steemit users !

* Why upvoting contents ?

Steemit is a social network that rewards over people contents. People share their own contents and show that they like other's contents. We have to reward people for their work, and that's how you will also get rewarded back. But it doesn't mean that you have to like/upvote everything. You have to do it to people that merit it in your opinion, and to those that make steemit work ! Also, you should not upvote too much contents per day. The more you do, the less your upvotes will reward the others - meaning that you are less influential. (It is noted as a percentage, which goes back to 100% without upvoting during some hours).


* Why does my post lose money ?

There are two possibilities, the first one is because Steem is a currency whose price evolves depending on its evolution over the market. The price that is shown over your publications is calculated over steem's price on the last 84 hours (3.5 days).  

The second possibility is that you post get flagged by people because of inappropriate content !

To know more about the reason of why your post lose money, you should visit @sykochica post:  She explains  that really good :)

Well, I hope my post will help you, and will give you some answers, I'm also very sorry for my English and all the mistakes I do, I recall you that I'am French and I try my best to be understandable !

Enjoy steemit, and good luck to your future!

Edit: Thank you a lot to @cccmikey  for giving me a correction of my post :)

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