So I have decided to sell my beloved mini for Steem!! But there's a twist... Read on for info!!!!!!! Could you take Jack home using the power of Steemit?????

The time has come for me to rehome my beautiful mini cooper (Jack). I brought Jack to use for work and now need a larger diesel. JACK JUST DOESN'T CUT IT ANYMORE 😢😢😢😢


So I have decides to sell my man Jack for Steem. I already have another car so would really like to invest more into Steem.

Wish me luck.... My mum thinks I'm crazy..... I'll have the last laugh!!!!

I cant wait to see if I can complete the trade in STEEM!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ However Here's the twist....

I am absolutely fascinated with Steemit...... So..... here it is!

I love the Steemit community - If my post reaches over $1000 in value...... I will gift Jack to a worthy person within the steemit community - This person must be based in the UK, and must have reasons for needing my beloved little man!!! I will obviously blog about the transaction and provide proof of transfer, which will only be completed when the post has paid out..... So 7 days from now!!!!

Please comment below with why you need Jack in your life. You MUST be in the UK and able to collect from the Midlands. Jack isn't a new car so is a little rough around the ages, but that's what makes him awesome!!!!! Feel free to upvote your worthy winners....

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