We have 35 Whales, 285 Orcas, 1788 Dolpins and 8823 Minnows

*data by @arcange, he puts out a daily post with user stats.

  • 35 Whales
  • 285 Orcas
  • 1788 Dolphins
  • 8823 Minnows
  • 104,804 Redfish

Last time (4 months ago) I did a post about these numbers:

 We had:

  •  37 Whales
  • 260 Orcas
  • 1686 Dolphins
  • 8243 Minnows
  • 129,615 Redfish

While these numbers are certainly not an overwhelming success, it does seem we are making really slow growth even while we've faced some tough situations lately.

  • Price, Interest and activity in Crypto in general is down, we are no exception
  • Execution of HF20 was rough and the reaction even rougher
  • We are still waiting for SMTs.  Although the expectations have been set accordingly, the whole place feels like it is in limbo.

There are a few simple points one can pull from this:

  • Telling Redfish and Minnows to seek whale and dolphin votes is simply bad advice.
  • There are not enough stakeholders to give much value to Steem as a currency.

It's a interesting balance when you consider the currency without the content sites really isn't good for much.  A currency held by a handful of people isn't much of a currency at all.

Paying for Content without Crypto speculation is a nearly impossible without adsense or something along those lines and the vast majority of posts here would not get enough traffic to generate a penny.  Content without Ads, holds no value in any other Marketspace.

Combining Speculation on the Currency with Content, might make both work better together.

Where people gather an economy develops.  This is a fact.

We tend to have people who are either focused on the Currency or focused on the Content.  Both sides are valid, but I think people come for engagement and money, to tell a story, and...   it is people who decide every day whether to buy, sell, or hold Steem.  

Wonder if at some point we stop fighting about Currency vs. Content and get around to engaging with People.


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