Hard Fork 21 is launching in a few days. This is the 21st fork the Steem chain has undergone since it came to be. Like all others before it, this one has brought up lots of commentary and back and forths on the post comments of witnesses and community leaders as well as on discord servers. I have been reading as much as I can to first understand what it means, the whole changes to be implemented in the fork and second, to know how to properly place myself in order to benefit from the coming changes. In the Steem chain, one has to adapt and adapt quickly especially in recent times with the pace at which the changes are coming.


I have noticed that lots of people are worried about the changes to be implemented in the fork and they worry that the changes would bring a retardation rather than growth to the chain. I still do not know enough economics, programming, tech speak to truly understand the whole of the matter but I grab a few things and as a result I am running with a positive mindset. I may be wrong in my conclusions but I am trying to see ahead and this is new as I have never concerned myself much about tomorrow in the past. Yes, I have taken a conscious decision to pay attention to my affairs. That is a story for another post.

The first thing I am trying to hedge my bets with is the new curation reward sharing formula; 50/50 i.e. 50% for author and 50% for curator. Now I do a whole lot of writing. I write lengthy posts sometimes especially if it is fiction or some of my nonfiction and I actually enjoy writing. My curation on the other hand is mostly automated. I have placed my account on several curation trails which ensures that I am voting on posts even when I am not reading them. Not everybody likes this form of curation as it lacks the personal touch but I do this because I am managing my life financially and I can’t spend long periods online. I have to save data. There is also the knowledge that the projects whose trails I follow are projects that seek to empower quality content with good votes and that means that I get to add my own titbit to growing quality content creators on the chain whether I have personal interaction with them or not.

That being said, the 50/50 curation reward system would mean that I would have to look for more curation trails to follow. Oh yes. Curation trails are going to be quite beneficial for the brother or sister who does not have the time or inclination to curate personally. Yes you may not get all of the rewards as most of the curation trails rarely vote at 100% but you will get something at the end of the day. It all depends on how much Steem power you got at the end of the day. How much Steem power do you have? I have some and I am proud of them. I got them from scratch. With the above possibility to consider, it would also be good to add up a bit of personal curation to even the odds a bit. I think the time of pursuing whale posts with comments hoping to get rewards for saying nice posts and all that is coming to an end. It is time to go after content that you truly enjoy. For me that would be poetry, fiction, some nonfiction e.g. Steem, life stories, art, and so on and so forth. My tastes are varied anyway so I will be all over the place hopefully.

Another thing I am speculating upon is the smart media token (SMT) to be launched. Now the Steem engine based tokens are the thing now and everyone who is paying attention on the Steem chain either has some in their Steem engine wallet or they have sold theirs or they have heard about it. Snooping around on discord I came across an ongoing interaction that made me understand that the Steem engine based tokens can also be merged with the upcoming smart media tokens to be launched by Steemit. Inc if the owners so desire. In the near future, we could have a PAL token that is running on Steem engine and another PAL token running on's own funnel. I am curious as to where the SMT would trade. Will they trade on Steem engine alongside their cousins or will create or expand the operations of their own exchange? But that is beside the point.

What if Neoxian project decides to create an SMT of the version and wants to do an airdrop of said tokens? Or what if the creativecoin token owners decides, through some backend programming manipulation that I have no name for and do not know if possible, to turn the creativecoin token to both a Steem engine based token and token, what would that mean? It could be possible that there will be another round of airdrops from the project. What have you done with your tokens? Are they sold already or you have them staked because I am pretty sure that the next airdrops will use stake of either steem power or staked tokens to decide who to give what.

Now my hypothesis above may be wrong or may even make no sense. I do not claim to have any idea of how these things work but the point is this, with the introduction of SMTs those with stakes in both Steem power and Steem engine based tokens may enjoy more opportunities from token owners who want to migrate to the SMTs. Of course there is something called loyalty in the code, is there not? Well even if they do not indulge some of their loyal hodlers with a few tokens, the new SMTs would definitely airdrop some of their long awaited tokens and I can guarantee that loyalty to the cause would be a part of the criteria for that airdrop to get to one. How many steem power do you have?

In order to be in the queue for whatever that is coming, I have staked all tokens that can be staked, oh yes. I have left those without the staking option where they are and ignored them. I feel that some of these Steem engine tokens are simply waiting for the Hard Fork before they launch themselves into the chain in full. I do not want to miss out on the opportunities that would be made available. It is my hope that the Steem chain would have an exchange that would rival the other big exchanges out there but that is a distant dream or not, then again what do I know?

Hard Fork 21 is going to break down the walls and allow the Steem chain to breathe. This is my belief and I speak from a naive belief in what I have invested time in. It is necessary for Steem to work not just for the financial benefits but also for what it would mean for content creators all over the world if it does. To be able to own your own content and control the price for which it can be sold would be something. For anyone to create businesses and projects to empower people without worrying about crowdfunding, ICO, IPO, Venture capitalists, bank loans, and what nots is also a good thing. Maybe I too, would put my ideas out there for the Steem chain to have a look see, eh? One day I just might do that. But first of all, let’s see how this August Hard Fork is going to turn out. We August folks can be difficult sometimes, you know. So, me dears, what are your plans to win in this here thingy we are all about?

By now you'd know that I know next to nothing about what I am talking about, so feel free to ignore me. I just came here to write fiction and poetry and make some few bucks. You must be sure that I have a vivid imagination. What are you here for?

©warpedpoetic, 2019.

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