Why Isn't There Any Good STEEM API Documentation 1+ Year Later? AKA : Was Steemit Built to Fail?

Claim : The STEEM API is basically unusable by most anyone outside of STINC and a few developers who've been in the ecosystem for a long period of time.

Trying to build an app to integrate with the STEEM API is a futile effort for most and from what I can see and am being told by others, STINC has done little to nothing in over a year to improve this situation.

The documentation is all over the place, outdated, hard to understand, gives very little reference or examples and is basically a clusterfuck for anyone not on Steemit talking with someone who has gleaned this hidden knowledge already, and those who have this hidden knowledge are not exactly available for consultation.

Which is odd because, all I hear @ned say repeatedly is that STINC wants others to build apps on the STEEM blockchain, yet very few can accomplish this due to the vague/incomplete/basically useless documentation available.

My views are based off a months worth of discussions with 5+ developers attempting to integrate one programs API with STEEM's. Not one of these Dev's can figure it out yet, and all of them state that it's due to the lack of or vague documentation on the STEEM API.

"/shrug It's as if someone doesn't really want others building apps on this blockchain."


Here's what you can expect in the first month of trying to integrate with the STEEM API.
(Yes, your skin color will change too.)

STINC ... get your shit together! This is sad and unacceptable.

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