Superman Is Not Coming To Save Us, Time To Push Ourselves

2019 is here, and it is time to make those resolutions right?
This is not the time for wishful thinking.
This is the time of the hunter.
This is not the time to tuck your heads into your shells like turtles.

This is the time to devour anything that moves like real wolves. (no pun intended :)

Like a giant boulder, Steem is sitting on top of a hill, and at the bottom is centralized social media. All the Steem boulder needs is a little push to roll down the hill and crush them. No one can push this big rock alone, we all need to help. With Steem I look to it as a dead-weight blockchain. Steemit is no and far from a ConsenSys. Steem doesn't have billions of dollars being thrown at it to succeed. Right now being under the 100mil market cap is what draws any blood seeking shark. There is excellent potential here, but also knowing that there isn't some Superman coming to save us is a healthy mindset; we must become our own heroes in this story.


Take a good look around, especially at the witnesses and take notes of who is putting in work right now and who is not. Opportunities of a lifetime don't come glittering like gold, but all scams do. Remember all that glitters is not gold; no, the chances of a lifetime usually come covered in shit from everyone attacking from all angles. That is the game we play. The good stuff is mixed with the bad and painted all one color, and it is up to every one of us to think for ourselves and come to our conclusions.

We still have what most don't, a useful, unique project that works. Let's not get the stench of desperation and start making bad decisions. Don't let price dictate fundamentals. thedarkoverlord and many others like them will continue to flock to the Steem blockchain to have their voices heard.

Let it be known far and wide this is a haven; you can create here censorship free! Since when did our voices hold so little value? Why is everyone up in arms for censorship-resistant money and not censorship-resistant platforms in which to speak? Does one not need the other? What good is money when the masses become programmed robots through centralized social media consumption? They already believe up to 60% of the worlds social media is filled with bots and fake users to promote whatever agenda. Let them try that shit here where rep matters and single lined hate speech is not tolerated. It is easy to get trolled on Twitter by bots but brings that shit here, and I'll downvote you into oblivion.

I wrap this up with saying I have not lost an inch of conviction in this blockchain. I say this because that is the biggest question I get since the prices have gone down, "Will Steem survive?". I could give you a simple, "yes, IMO. Not financial blabby blah." Or you can simply look around at what others are doing. You can see my public account balance. My actions do the answering for me. My reasons for being here have not changed, and the price is just Fugazi, like a bunch of half-researched speculators are going to guide by fundamental beliefs.

Very few people can sell the tops and buy back the bottoms. The Winklevoss twins bought up almost 1% of the circulating supply of bitcoin in 2013 for around 120$ a pop. They did not sell when bitcoin almost hit 20k. One could say this was a mistake, but they did not sell bitcoin when it peaked at over 1k back in 2013 either. And if bitcoin ever hits 100k or 1 million, will not selling at 20k be a mistake? You see my point.

Keep in mind Facebook alone is worth 400 billion. There is a hell of a lot more fiat out there then there are Steem tokens, and if everyone on Reddit alone decided they wanted at least one Steem each, they couldn't have it.

They say once in a lifetime opportunity only come by... well once in a lifetime. Best to keep a keen eye during these times of dramatic change for this is where once in a lifetime opportunity are made.

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