Why Powering Up Is The Secret To Your Steemit Success: It Is Imperative!!!

Most of us do not come to Steemit with a huge social media following. If you are one of those people, congratulations; you are ahead of the game. However, for the bulk of us, coming to Steemit means we are embarking upon something on our own, perhaps followed by a couple family members or friends.

Many newer people complain there is no way for them to get recognized. For some odd reason, people think they should come to Steemit, put up a post, and make hundreds of dollars. Of course, the reality is that when you put up a post without a following, you earn very little. That is the nature of the mechanism and something we all go through.

Yesterday I wrote about powering up and how it can put people in the 1% of users on here.

To read that article:


One of the comments in that article caught my attention. It was posted by @swissclive. What I noticed about that comment is he referred to what Steem Power really does for one on here.

Those who can, should, buy steempower as soon as they can afford it. The more you have, the more you will be looked at. If your blogs are looked at by more people, that will bring followers. Beyond a certain point, followers follow followers so you base will start to grow by itself.

Steemit is a compounding system. Each activity that one does builds upon what went before. One who just signed up has few connections because their activity is zero. Of course, this is reflected in the amount of Steem Power they have since their contributions to the blockchain are non-existent. It is only when one starts to contribute that one sees things change.

The STEEM White Paper explains it this way:

Steem operates on the basis of one-STEEM, one-vote. Under this model, individuals who have contributed the most to the platform, as measured by their account balance, have the most influence over how contributions are scored. Furthermore, Steem only allows members to vote with STEEM when it is committed to a vesting schedule. Under this model, members have a financial incentive to vote in a way that maximises the long term value of their STEEM.

It goes further by adding:

everyone's meaningful contribution to the community should be recognized for the value it adds.

It is a rather simple concept: the more you add, the more you get. The entire system is designed around giving to Steemit it as opposed to taking from it. This is why, in the beginning, it is imperative for one to get involved. People are not going to flock to you early on. In short, you have not proven yourself worthy of that.

And that is where SP comes in.

What is it that every new person wants? Recognition.

What gets recognition on Steemit more than anything else? Steem Power.

Those with large accounts are the ones who garner the attention. Wearing funny hats might put the eyeballs on you at a party, but it does nothing here. Being loud could work in a bar but, again, nets nothing on Steemit. Even writing a sensational article could get you a lot of acclaim on Huffington Post does very little on this platform. On Steemit, ultimately, the true attention getting is Steem Power.

I must interject the concept of reputation. This is an important idea and ones with higher reputations are shown the be meaningful contributors. Reputation is garnered by getting upvotes. However, one can have a high reputation and little Steem Power. That means, ultimately, that person's influence (i.e. voting power) is not as much of an impact.

Which brings me to the second aspect of Steem Power which @swissclive covered so well.

Steem Power is the path to followers. Again, all newcomers want followers and the typical approach is to follow the world. I know this is true since I was also one who did just that. New people believe that there is the "if I follow you, you will follow me" trade off present. I found that really the only ones who follow back are other new people. Those with serious Steem Power do not engage in this behavior. In fact, the opposite happens; they are turned off by it.

The compounding aspect of Steemit is really evident when looking at the followers. As one's Steem Power grows, people will less Steem Power start to follow. This creates a situation where one's upvotes increase along with the earnings. Naturally, this will attract more people causing the effect to repeat itself. Eventually, when your Steem Power gets high enough, the attention of some more powerful people happens. In other words, you now have proven yourself as a meaningful contributor to the blockchain.

Now be forewarned: THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN IN A WEEK!!!!

Steemit takes time and effort. One will not see massive effects until after 90 days, at a minimum. More realistically, unless Steemit becomes a major portion of your life, the timeline is closer to 6 months. The mantra is post, comment, upvote. It never changes. I always tell newer people do that for the next 90-180 days and watch how things change.

Therefore, it is not suggested that you power up, it is imperative. If you have any desire of making STEEM a part of your income stream going forward, you must invest in it now. By invest, I do not mean putting money in which, of course, is not a bad idea. What I am referring to is committing to working the system as it is designed and keeping the STEEM in the system. This is how long-term success is achieved.

So you want your articles read? Steem Power is your answer.
You want more followers? Steem Power is your answer.
You want to get rich from this? Steem Power is your answer.
You want to make a good income? Steem Power is your answer.

You have a chance to be in the 1% of all users on here. The only way to be in that group is to stop taking from Steemit and start contributing. This starts with the commitment to power up at every opportunity.

This is the secret to Steemit success.

Again, as @swissclive put it:

The more you have, the more you will be looked at. If your blogs are looked at by more people, that will bring followers. Beyond a certain point, followers follow followers so you base will start to grow by itself.

If you want Steemit success, it is imperative that you power up. That is how you get into the 1%.

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