What To Do In the Crypto World This Year????? A Suggestian From A Steemian

Here is the obligatory this is not financial advice, so seek out the proper consultation before doing anything....this is for informational purposes only.

To start, I am going to say that cryptocurrency is going to be the greatest wealth creator for the average person in the history of the world.

For too long, the elites profited while the average Joe/Jane struggled. The system, no matter how it was designed, only served a few. The rest were left to live on the scraps, literally. This was true in the times of monarchies and certainly is true in the central bankster era.

This is all changing. Now, the creation of money is not limited to the ruling elite. Instead, anyone with a bit of know-how can create money. This is a radical departure from the traditional model. It is also why the powerful are fighting it at every turn. While the war is won, there will be many battles along the way. Decentralization is simply too powerful even for the elitists.

So what should you do to take advantage of this?

My answer is simple:


This needs to be your focus for 2018.

While prices have run from where they were a few years ago, in the blockchain/cryptocurrency world, we are still in the first inning (actually we are still singing the National Anthem). This is going to be a decade long process taking us to the later part of the 2020s.

Since everyone who is reading this is most likely on STEEM, that is the starting point. Over the past few weeks I wrote numerous articles about how people should power up as much as they can. A couple hundred SP today is going to be worth a lot in a year...and worth a whole lot more in 5 years. @ned has the goal to tokenize the Internet. Once you know the working of this blockchain along with some of the future plans, you can see how that is possible.

We are already starting to see some of the results of holding STEEM. Both Appics and Vice announced in their white papers that they held a certain amount of their tokens aside to be given to holders of STEEM. Here is a way to get tokens without investing money. Once the Smart Media Token protocol is released, we should see a lot more of this throughout the second half of 2018. As companies implement the content/reward system into their website, a certain percentage are going to create their own tokens. This bodes well for STEEM holders.

The other thing everyone should be focusing upon is Cryptocurrency 2.0. For those who haven't seen me use that term, I designated that to mean those tokens that are acquired via their utility. While Cryptocurrencies 1.0 like BTC, ETH, and LTC required purchase (either of the token or mining equipment), these newer currencies can be acquired simply by doing what they were created to do. STEEM is an example of this. It was designed to be given as a reward for posting, commenting, and upvoting. So how do you acquire STEEM? Post, comment, and upvote.

Before thinking it is all sunshine and butterflies, we need to be honest about what is going on. There are a lot of projects out there which sound good yet will fail. At the same time, there is a lot of stuff out there that is outright dishonest. Many tokens are not going to succeed. For this reason, you want to get as many different ones as you can.

Personally, I am taking whatever I can get. If I get an email notifying me of a way to earn 25 or 50 tokens, I am taking it. Those tokens might be worth $10 or $20 in a year...or they might be worthless. Either way, since I did not put up money, I have no risk.

Think about that for a second. I have no risk yet unlimited upside....the only ones I ever saw get that were the US Banksters who leverages their trades to the hilt and when they went bad, the government paid them.

Guess what, now we get the same advantage.

It only takes a couple of different projects to take off before having a handful of tokens becomes very profitable. Some have programs where it is fairly easy to earn hundreds, even a thousands, tokens. Again, if that eventually hits $10 or $20, you have a nice sum of money. At this moment, there are many projects with that potential and, I can guarantee, there will be a lot more throughout this year.

Diving into cryptocurrencies will be the best move you made in your life (next to marrying what-his/her-face). This will change the circumstances of the entire world. We are starting to see the foundation of a new system which is creating abundance. STEEM is leading that charge.

For those who are interested in buying cryptocurrencies, that is a smart move also. Of course, my suggestion there is to be prudent in the projects you choose. There are many suggestions on here about approaches to take. Basic investing skills should always be applied (such as do not invest more than you can afford to lose, diversify to spread risk, pick sound entry points, etc...).

No matter what your approach, garnering as many coins as possible throughout 2018 is the goal.

We have seen the "printing press" handed to the average person. It is up to us to take advantage of it.

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