STEEM Gold Mining: Why Everyone Should Be Dedicating Time And Effort On Steemit!!!!

There is gold in them hills.....

STEEM is changing the lives of millions of people. Sadly, many people do not see what is right before their eyes.

Steemit is exploding...

According to this post by @aggroed, the number of active daily users is growing at an exponential rate.

Here is the post:

As you can see from the graph, the number of daily active users flew passed 50K and is closing in on 60K. This is double where we were a month ago. This is rather impressive growth.

What is fueling this growth is probably a variety of factors. However, one thing that cannot be denied is that the recent run up in the price of STEEM and SBD means that people are getting much higher payouts than they did before. This is a fact I am sure many are relaying to their friends and family.

Exactly what type of money are we looking at?

I took a look at one of the members of my 1KSP program to see where he stands.

This is an individual who joined this site in December so he is here basically a month. In that time, he is seeing his rewards increasing substantially. Naturally, being part of the program means he is getting a couple 100% upvotes from me per day, but @jakeybrown has done a good job interacting with others especially via commenting.

Looking up his account on, we see he is earning $1,200 over the next 7 days. This is an incredible amount of money for being on here about a month. Over the course of a year, this adds up to $60K a year.

Here is another frequent reader of my posts who is also enjoying the benefits of upvotes from someone else. @spiritualmax is also became an active user his first month here. Looking at his page, we see he is also going to top $1,100 this week in payouts as the price of STEEM and SBD stand.

I do not know the financial position of either these two individuals but I can tell you that I believe that $1,000+ a week will make a radical difference in their lives. Of course, we need to keep in mind that these two are both powering up which means they will benefit from the appreciation in price of STEEM. This is a sensational wealth building strategy.

It is my feeling that many on here do not see the opportunity before them. At this time, we are seeing the ability to add a drastic amount to each person's account. Down the road, we will see a lot more users vying for the rewards pool. I believe this will be offset by the value of STEEM since it only makes sense that an escalation is in order as the user base increases. However, for the time being, there is an opportunity to not only make Steemit great, but to add to one's account.

Steemit only requires time and effort. One is not obligated to put money into it to participate. There are a number of ways to earn money on here: posting, commenting, and upvoting. This is what both of these individuals have done since I came across them.

So why aren't you putting full effort into this platform? Dedication to your future and that of your family is something we all should have at the top of the list. This is one of those opportunities that can be life changing for everyone who is involved. The question is if one is willing to put forth the effort or not?

I know it can be frustrating, especially when first starting out. Since most of us do not come here with a following, we tend not to get a lot of upvotes on our articles. That is why I suggest posting a lot of comments. There are many dolphins and whales who do upvote many of the comments in their articles. At the same time, there are a number of whales who do not do a lot of posting but upvote articles and comments. This is something to take advantage of when new. Make quality comments and you will get some SP from it.

I can tell you persistence does pay off. Over time, a following does develop if you keep posting content people appreciate. It is easy to fall prey to the belief that the system is rigged and you will never get to partake. That kind of thinking leads people away.

If you take a look at the accounts of the two people I mentioned, the reason they are getting the support is because they caught the attention of myself and another. It was through their efforts of commenting and being involved that they are now profiting in a much greater way. Each of them is on the road to 1,000 SP which will be life changing money by the end of the year.

Therefore, I would urge everyone to dedicate themselves to this venture as it was his/her business. It is highly possible this "gold rush" gets even bigger as the price of STEEM keeps escalating. At present, according to, there will be $4.5M distributed in the next week to the 40K-50K people who were posting in the last week.

With the combined efforts of everyone on here, we can make that number grow even bigger. The steem blockchain is still in its infancy. We are going to see much greater things.

The time to start staking your claim is now. Doubling your efforts on here will likely result in a ten fold increase in your account over the next few months.

And that is something I think we all would be happy with.

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