2018 Sharing Is Caring: Time To Make People Rich And End Poverty Around The World!!!!

2017 saw a couple of interesting changes for me which will continue into 2018.

As many of you are aware, I am fully committed to doing all I can to make STEEM as successful as possible. I believe that the foundation that is in place is going to really shift the social media industry while also bringing the idea of a "tokenized" world to the forefront. STEEM is one of the first cryptocurrencies which can be acquired without purchase. For this reason, people are going to see what it is like to develop another stream of income doing what they already spend time engaged upon.

I titled a number of posts with "Sharing Is Caring" idea to denote that there is a different mindset starting to enter into the framework of society. While it is still very early, a enthusiastic percentage on here already have it. Basically, we are seeing the emergence of caring about our fellow human being and tying our success with theirs. This is a radical difference from the bankster created, scarcity mentality that so many of us were programmed with.

At this point, I want to mention my other passion in addition to STEEM. This is also going to radically alter the world. It is a time that has come and everyone needs to participate. Like all other revolutionary ideas, one or two people cannot accomplish it. Collectively, we can stamp out a great blight on humanity. Since it is also in the crypto realm, it requires us all to establish the "network" effect.

Before going any further, I want to ask you a question that I asked myself few years ago:

Do you think that every person on the planet deserves the basics of food, clothing, and shelter?

When I was left to ponder this question, I was unable to come up with anything other than a "yes". For this reason, I had to change my mindset about certain things. Being a student of technology, I realize that the future is changing for most of us. Few seem to be aware of the radical differences we are going to see in the next 5 years. Steemit is just one of many things which will alter the world we live in...for the better I believe.

Cryptocurrencies are a new form of financing. Because of this, we are able to embark upon things which were dead ends before. Many great ideas were shelved since people were not able to get passed the question "how do we pay for this?". Today, with the advent of crypto, we are seeing a new model of financing that is the next advancement in crowd sourcing. For that reason, we have the ability to feed, clothe, and put a roof over the head of every person on the planet.

For the last couple years, I heard many reasons counter to this idea. Once again, I keep going back to the same question:

Do you think that every person on the planet deserves the basics of food, clothing, and shelter?

If you do like I did and answered with an affirmative, then read on.

Much of the debate regarding this subject is regarding the payment. Most agree it is a good idea yet depending upon governmental institutions is not a smart idea. I concur with this assessment. For the most part, government is bad and dependence upon it only enslaves people. Therefore, how do we provide people with the basic necessities without bringing government in?

We do this by creating a cryptocurrency specifically to provide to people without attachment. Steemit created a magical breakthrough with the Proof-Of-Brian concept. Well, now we can take it one step further with the Proof-Of-Breathing approach. If you breath, you are entitled to tokens. It is really that simple. Anyone on the planet, just by signing up, will get tokens put in their wallet. The goal is to eliminate world wide poverty by giving people the basics of what they need.

This has become a passion of mine. No longer should people suffer because they lack the finances. People can contest the idea of materialism all they want. A central fact that cannot be debated is that we live in a world where monetary resources are required for the essential goods. Until we figure out a new system that is not this way, people around the world need some form of money to provide their families with food, clothing, and shelter.

The reason why we need everyone to sign up is because we are dealing with a cryptocurrency. Therefore, we are dependent upon the Network Effect to take hold and increase the value of what is being distributed starting in the month of January. The more people with the tokens, the more valuable they become. For those in the Western countries, the payouts will not have much of an impact upon your income (although it might depending upon your situation and how fast things accelerate). However, for those in countries where a few thousand dollars is a ton of money, this will really help.

It does not matter what your lot in life is, this is a program which requires us all to succeed. If you are fortunate enough to not need the resources, there are going to be opportunities to donate the tokens to different causes. Of course, if you are one who is looking to change your own path, and that of your family, then you can amass the tokens while we build up to the network effect. Finally, if you never dealt in cryptocurrencies, this is a wonderful way to get involved and learn what is going on.

I thank you for your time. Together, we are all going to make a major difference in the world. The bankster's control is threatened; we can see that based upon their reactions. Now is the time to end the scarcity model while moving towards abundance. Manna, along with STEEM, are the two ways I see to accomplish that.

So please click on the link provided and sign up. After that, you will have you own link which I suggest you use to sign up your friends and family.


It is time to end the suffering for all on the planet. Manna is going to be one of the programs which provides people with what they need.

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