'Mental Disease' is a drug in the computer game: World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) is going to be listed as an addiction to drug addiction on computer. In the 11th International Classification of Diseases (ICD), it is referred to as 'gaming disorder'.

This gaming addict has been described in a draft document by the World Health Organization as a kind of behavior that removes the person from the attraction of life and everything else. Gaming addiction in some countries in the world has already been identified as a major public health problem.

Some countries, including the United Kingdom, already have private treatment clinics for its treatment. The World Health Organization created the latest International Classification of Diseases (ICD) in 1992. The new guideline will be published this year.

This guide has detailed information about the various diseases, codes, symptoms and symptoms. Doctors and researchers tried to diagnose the disease by comparing it with it.

When the gaming addiction will be described as a mental health problem, its details will be in the World Health Organization's guideline. It has been said that, after 12 months of unusual gaming addiction or behavior, it should be taken to the diagnosis. However, in some cases, if abnormal behavior is just too much intense, then 12 months, the action can be taken before.

Signs that have guideline: losing your own control over gaming. Specifically how often, how intense and how long the gaming is playing. Gaming is the most preferred gaming, or gaming even more, despite negative effects. Dr. Richard Graham, Technology Education Specialist of Nightingale Hospital in London, welcomed this move of the World Health Organization.

"It is very important. Because this will create more specialized medical opportunities. This will take people's gambling addiction more seriously. "However, he is sympathetic to those who are against gaming addiction as a mental disorder.

Dr. Richard Graham said that he saw nearly 50 cases of digital addiction every year. Due to this addiction, efforts are made to understand the level of addiction problems based on their impact on sleep, eating, social gathering and education. He admits that many parents can be confused with this. Just as gaming encourages children to think they are "sick".

When looking at the patient, he gave the most importance to one thing. How much gaming addiction affects the neurological system? How does it affect the thinking ability or the ability to stay absorbed?

Many countries around the world are worried about gaming addiction In South Korea, the government has enacted such laws that children under 16 years of age can not play online games until midnight.

In Japan, if someone plays a game over a certain time, the warning is sent to him. Tensent children in China's biggest internet company, how long can they play games.

A recent study by Oxford University says that children spend a lot of time looking at the screen, but they can adapt to this digital world with their daily life. It has also been found that boys have more time in playing video games than girls.

Research researcher Kilian Mulan said, "People think that the children are sitting in front of twenty four-hour screen day and night, and they do not do anything. Not really. In our research, we see that they are using technology for various purposes. They are also using technology to do school homework. "

"How we do the elderly, much like that, children are using their digital technology in the whole of the day for a whole lot of other things, but not at the same time.computer-games.jpg

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