Steepshot healthy updates. Promo video.

Hello, Steemians!

We want to take a moment to thank everyone who has been using our platform. We work very hard to make you enjoy Steepshot and do not face any problems with it. Since our last updates, we got a lot of feedback. Thank you very much for your activity. It is you who help us to grow and become stronger! We are greatly honored to be building Steepshot with you.

Recently some users confronted with the issues. But we did our best to fix them as quickly as possible. And below you can find the information about improvements.


Hot fixes and improvement (Android/iOS/Web)


  • The gallery button now is always visible and accessible.
  • No more white spaces in the gallery while choosing the appropriate photo for posting.
  • Push notifications settings are fixed.
  • The opportunity to use “Share to Steepshot” on your mobile phone is available. Fixed old issues and add new features (e.g. sharing a link on WhatsApp, Viber)


  • Previewing posts show photos the same way as they will appear in feeds.




  • The possibility of deleting and editing posts.
  • The grid in the gallery view is added.
  • Settings for push notifications.
  • All push notifications are fixed. Now they lead to different parts of the application.


P.S. Please note that the update is still waiting for review on App Store.



  • The limit of characters when adding tags in “Create post” is changed from 20 to 40.
  • The number of likes for a comment and the amount of earned money in the screen is shown with the comments.
  • Now you are able to click both buttons to give an upvote when the voting bar appeared.
  • The ability to log in by entering both '@username' or 'username' in username field is added.
  • Problems with displaying comments are fixed.
  • Segments when you adjusting the strength of like is added (when you click on the bar jump to a certain mark (0, 25, 50 or 100).


Previous updates:

If you have missed our last post about great updates, you can read it here New Steepshot updates: image gallery, push-notifications, voting slider bar, etc.


What’s coming next?

A lot of users react very positively to our new feature Image Gallery. In view of that fact we decided to run a contest next week. Stay tuned and we will keep you up-to-date!


It is never too late to join our platform and start to earn. If you haven't been the user of our app yet, you can download it below and sign in with your Steem account.

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Promo video

We are really glad to present for you our promo video. Watch, enjoy and share with your friends!

More info:

Social Media

If you have any ideas, questions or suggestions, please, find us on social media. Choose your favorite way to connect and tune in to Steepshot life.







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