Finally arrived. Steepshot goes to Beta. Meet the updated open source Android app.

Hello, Steemians!

Today we present another huge step for Steepshot platform - a brand new version of our Android app.


The app is fully open source. Feel free to take a look at the GitHub repository here.

What's new?

We have changed everything. You can now earn rewards for sharing your lifestyle and visual experience in a more convenient, robust and pleasant way. Let us show you how it works.

Sign in

Explore photos

  • 00:00 - Feed
  • 00:14 - Comments
  • 00:17 - Reply to comment starfeature.gif
  • 00:28 - Browse
  • 00:36 - Switch the view starfeature.gif switch.PNG
  • 00:51 - List of likes
  • 00:56 - Search by clicking a tag starfeature.gif
  • 01:35 - Profile

Create a post

  • 00:01 - Take photo / Select photo from the gallery
  • 00:10 - Rotate starfeature.gif
  • 00:16 - Title, description
  • 00:27 - Tags (now you can add up to 20!) starfeature.gif (no more limits in adding more than 4 tags)

Send a photo to Steepshot app

Now you can send a photo to Steepshot app directly from another app for Android!

How to flag a post, hide post, share link

You can find it in the dialog box for a photo:
More details in Community Guidelines

Turn on / off the lightning when taking a photo starfeature.gif


See the number of likes/flags right under the post


Responsive UI & Enhancements

  • New app icon
  • Updated tab buttons
  • New avatar placeholder
  • Animated like
  • Animated switch for the hot/new/top tabs
  • Pre-loaders are shown on a buttons when you wait for some action
  • More user friendly error messages
  • Avatar now displayed better


  • Now screens are loaded in parallel
  • Multiple nodes support


  • Fixed an amount of issues when the app crashes or stop to respond
  • Fixed issue when photo loaded infinitely long
  • Fixed some bugs when photo rotates incorrectly after taking it
  • Fixed photo compressing error
  • Now you can keep using the app after reconnect to the internet
  • Now steepshot tag is not used as "Steem category" by default
  • Fixed error when user write a long title
  • Fixed bug where the photo was displayed as a square instead of a rectangle
  • Fixed bug displaying wrong account balance
  • Fixed bug when avatar not loaded
  • Fixed bug when qr scanner not respond
  • Now when you make change in settings your feed updates correctly
    ...and many other fixes

What's next?



Better Android app


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