Happy Birthday! The Steem blockchain is running for 3 years.

Three years ago, Steemit inc. launched a revolutionary new blockchain combining technical, financial and social aspects. Yes, the Steem blockchain is now running for 3 years.

Did you know?

The first block of the blockchain was generated on 2016-03-24 16:05:00 UTC time!

Few minutes later, the very first accounts on the Steemit blockchain were created on 2016-03-24 17:00:03. They were 3 of them: @admin, @dark and @nxt1.

3 seconds later, 4 additional accounts were created: @nxt, @nxt, @dantheman and @administrator

Six days later, on 2016-03-30 18:30:18, the very first post was published on the blockchain and welcomed with great enthusiasm.

We had to to wait till 2016-03-31 14:21:45 to see @ned’s account created and a few days later, on 2016-04-16 20:31:18, he wrote his first post.

Since then, the number of users on Steemit has never stopped to grow.

For many of us, the Steemit story started in July, 2016. It is at this moment that Steemit really made its first boom with a massive arrival of new users. This was mainly because people received their first payout and realized that they could actually monetize their publication. The number of account jumped up to 100K in September, 2016.

After 1 year of existence, the Steem blockchain had 140549 user (71001 actives)

The second wave came around June/July 2017 when the number of users tripled to 300K and the third one came in january 2018 to raise this number to around 800K.

After 2 years, the Steem blockchain had 879425 users.

Three years later, we have 1230142 registered accounts on the Steem blockchain

Happy Birthday, Steemians!

Do you remember when you registered your account. If it is more than one or two years ago, then you already received your Steem Birthday badge and soon you will celebrate your 3 years on the Steem blockchain.

SteemitBoard wants to celebrate it with you and has prepared a nice badge that every user being registered on Steem for three years will receive.

This award will be displayed in your personal tab on your board.

Of course, you can reuse it in your post to show your fellow Steemians you’re kind of a Steem Veteran.

For those who joined us recently, you will have to be a bit patient. But do not worry, on the first or second anniversary of your registration, you will also receive a nice award.

@steemitboard wish you an Happy Steem Birthday!

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Steemitboard is a project created by @arcange

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