DevPortal Update #3: UX Improvements, More Javascript Tutorials and More!

In the last Dev Portal Update we announced the addition of Ruby and Javascript tutorials, documentation on the AppBase API, testnets, and Office Hours in the SteemDevs Discord. Since the last update we’ve made the portal more useful to developers with some organizational improvements, deep linking of API definitions, ‘curl’ examples, and two new Javascript tutorials.

Improved UX

We’ve been adding so much to the developer portal that the user experience has become unwieldy and better organization at the user interface level has become necessary. To that end we’ve improved our main navigation and broken up pages that have become too long. These changes will enable us to continue adding to the site without negatively impacting the user experience.

Deep Linking

In order to help developers more easily share API documentation, we’ve made it possible to “deep link” API definitions.. Just use the url in the “link” icon.

’Curl’ examples

We've added command-line 'curl' examples to many api call definitions to demonstrate how the methods work.

More Javascript Tutorials!

We added two new Javascript tutorials to the runnable tutorials repository. The first shows developers how they can retrieve post content and details. The second demonstrates how to get a list of posts from different categories like trending, hot, active, etc.

Feedback Welcome

Thank you for reading this Dev Portal update. Our goal with these updates is to inform developers of what we’re doing in our attempt to provide community developers the resources you need and to make Steem the blockchain of opportunity. We’re very proud of the work our dev portal team is doing and encourage you to check out their work for yourself at

The Steemworks Team

With that in mind, we want to announce that the dev portal team has given themselves a new name, The Steemworks Team, because Steem should “just work”.

Feedback is always welcome, whether it’s about what tutorials we should add or other improvements. Email any suggestions to Steemit’s Developer Advocate at, with the subject line “devportal - $subject”.

Team Steemit

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