Steem Statistics 14.09.2018

Start from Block: 25908937
(13. September 2018 00:00:00)
Stop at Block: 25937726
(14. September 2018 00:00:00)
Total Number of Blocks28789
Average Seconds per Block3.0
Total Transactions (incl. virtual ops)1441091
Average Transactions per Second16.7
Average Transactions per Block50.1

Top Authors for most Articles written:

AuthorNumber of Articles written
Total Number of Articles written:25548
Total Number of Accounts writing Articles:10708

Top Authors for most Comments written:

AuthorNumber of Comments written
Total Number of Comments written:72235
Total Number of Accounts writing Comments:8449

Top Voters for Number of Votes:

VoterNumber of Votes given
Total Number of Voting Accounts:52513
Total Number of all Votes:703124

Top Voters for Highest Number of Self Votes:

VoterNumber of Self-Votes given
Total Number of Self Voting Accounts:6481
Self Voting Accounts relative to All Voting Accounts:12.3 %
Total Number of all Self Votes:13904
Self Votes relative to All Votes:2.0 %

Top Authors for Deleting their Posts:

AuthorDeleted Posts
Total Number of Authors, who Deleted their Posts:313
Total Number of all Deleted Posts:448

Top Authors for Number of Votes Received:

AuthorNumber of Votes received
Total Number of Accounts getting votes:16239
Total Number of all Votes:703124

Top Witnesses for Producer Vesting Shares:

WitnessReceived Producer Vesting Sharesin SP
Total Number of Active Witnesses:131
Total Producer Vesting Shares in SP:7122.839

Top Account for Received Benefactor Rewards:

AccountReceived Benefactor Rewards in SP
Total Number of Accounts, which received Benefactor Rewards:119
Total Benefactor Rewards in SP:1410.758

Top Accounts with most Account Creations:

CreatorNumber of new Accounts Created
Total Number of Accounts created:245

Top Authors for highest Author Rewards:

Author (sorted by Vests/SP)Author Rewards SPAuthor Rewards SBDAuthor Rewards STEEM
Total Number of Author Rewards:20802.5320.00019918.653

Top Curators for highest total Curation Rewards:

VoterCuration Rewards in SP
Total Number of Curation Rewards:10164.123
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