One investors outlook: Penny digs into her current outlook on Steem and Bitcoin

What a month we have had! I hope everyone is well and enjoying life! Let's step into shall we?

It's always nice to see sanity in the markets, even during high volatility. The major movement, and huge corrections taking place in the crypto world right now are not new to this marketplace nor unexpected really, however it can be terrifying to those unused to riding out such movement. Now last week I said it was for sure time to look very hard at getting into the market while the getting was good, I really hope some of you did your research and made a decision to get some skin in the game. Let's take a look at what is happening in steem right now. Just charts. These are my opinions and are not to be taken as advice, my articles are my way of showing what I'm currently doing in the market and why, not to tell you what is right for you. Do your research and do what is best for you.:-)

The one week is looking like a comeback story for sure, heavy interest and good solid movement put steem back into the range we where all feeling comfortable in, the dip did make a dreamy excuse to buy more into this platform I love so much.
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And a few more long range charts paint a very telling picture as to the growth and stability of this emerging currency linked platform. I'm very happy with how the market looks in this area and am not backing off my "buy until 5.00" position on Steem. In this girls opinion we should all be exuberant to have the chance to buy under 2.00.

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Now we are also seeing a lvl off in Bitcoin preceded by a good pop back into proper range. I don't believe this movement is surprising for alloit of investors and should for sure prompt some very nice stabilizing market wide in my view. It was essentially a fire sale in crypto this month that will probably not crop up again, its always fun to be part of a moment like that!! Here are some charts I've been watching in Bitcoin.

So a really fun to read seven day breakdown looks very juicey and interesting. With all the great things happening in the crypto world this chart stands to reason

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