Be Careful What You Ask For! You Might Get It! SO....What Did I ask for?


I was always told to be careful what I ask for because I might get it.
When I joined Steemit a few months ago I told my friends about this Great New Social Media Platform called Steemit! It’s like Facebook I said, but you get paid to post!
My friends were always interested when I said that...then the real work of explaining the blockchain and how to earn money on Steemit would begin!

Then as my friends and I struggled to make money and accumulate Steem so we would have influence
we all took turns saying “ I wish I knew about Steemit earlier, when the price was low”
I am sure that many of you have heard this as well!

We’ll be careful what you ask for because now we got it!
Now we have the chance to buy Steem cheap!

This platform hasn’t changed!
The million people mark we reached a few months ago has only grown!
Steemit Communities Keep popping up in South America and Asia!

I just read a great article by @shortsegments about Bear Markets and Warren Buffett, the Billionaire Stock investor! That’s Billionaire as in 66 Billion USD!

It gives a few famous quotes by Buffett about buying value when the market is down.
I will give you one of my favorites.
“Do what rich people do for a short while, so you can do whatever you want for a lifetime”

Read the article here:


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