The Circle Jerk Of Life, "Quality Content" And 1 account 1 vote??

Quality Content....

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  • Rapper Lil Pump(Hilarious Stuff look it up)

My main issue is, we want social media on the blockchain. But only quality content? Ever looked at Facebook, Reddit, TV? Music? Soundcloud? Tell me were I can find al that "Quality Content" over there? New Hip Hop yeah sure I like those new rapper but it's just straight up bulshit with a good tune, good Quality? Hell no!! Do I blast these songs more than I ever did with those other rappers years back Hell yeah reason why: It is not to heavy,not to serious.

If only Quality Content is allowed we wil not go mainstream.
Social Media can never be quality content, because if social media is only for quality content then 99% of the people on this planet wil not be able to post something.(just from looking at Facebook)

1 account 1 vote?

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1 acount 1 vote (Maybe I understand it wrong, but does that mean "a one vote a day" kind of thing?) will kill al social media platforms.
Facebook would not work, Youtube, Reddit.
On Facebook I would like my friends and familie because I am intrested in what they do.

Yeah some random viral thing might get a like. Sure a nice post on reddit get a vote, but that friend with his hilarious comments also gets votes.
On YouTube I would like to like more than 1 video.(I never gave one on YouTube but thats not the point of my storyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

The Circle Jerk Of Life...

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Like Steem(it), other social media have the same problem: those with money are on top yeah sure maybe the early days you could rock it. But right now all social media is a big circle jerk, damnn life it self is a circle jerk dont believe me?

Go tell your boss how you really feel about him, let see how long you last. Go tell a Police officer what you really think when he pulles you over and gives you that bogus ticket. Tell the jugde to go F himself. Politics is one person one vote, but it's also one big circle jerk bulshit.

But since humans are both pray and predator in the animal kingdom we evolved bassicly to be circle jerkers, you will scratch mine & I'll scratch yours. We need it to survive take circle jerking out our evolutionairy path and we would be less than monkeys. Is that something we really want for our future? A world where everyone votes for total strangers they dont know? Instead of connecting and trusting those around you? Because that is already happening slowly, and I am not so sure this is a good way to go haha so yeah circle jerk, love it or hate it is has been around for thousands of years.

1 account 1 vote and Quality content impossible?


99% of the people aint going to produce any real content at all just: memes, selfies, cats & dogs. People follow who they know and connect with in real life, they just dont produce quality content, how would a one vote one account work then? I am not allowed to like their selfies?

Social media = The people

Social media = The people, and we are not all writers, acctors, musicians, comedians, some are house wifes, hard working dads, students, drug dealers and users, scammers and spammers, growers and smokers.
You want social media on the blockchain you want them on the blockchain too!!

I am a bit afraid the cannabis community & other less popular communities/not populair opinions wil take a hit if to much is changed!!

Honest Reward Systeem..


I would like to see a honest reward systeem, but that does not mean I want a equal reward system. There are lots of people better and worse than me at producing content that by it self it not equal so the reward should not be either in my opinion. A professor writing something to the blockchain has a right to profit more from it than I do, but then again maybe a hard working single mother has also right to profit more than me simply because of her contribution to society. This is why I think equal is not honest.

I agree about the lower rewards especially for abusers/spammers/scammers but the honest people/users, who may or may not produce quality content and the investors should not be hurt in the proces and it should not scare novice users and new users away, what is already happening with the need to produce quality content.

Changes comming to Steem!?

As I understand changes are not comming on Steem, but they could be a option with the Smart Media Tokens (SMT's) is what I understand from the post of @happymoneyman he explaines it better then I could and knows more about cryptocurency then I do, definitely check his post out, it explaines a bit of the confusing 1 account 1 vote stuff!!

How Steemit is changing part 2

I am no expert in cryptocurency and I am no programmer, I am not a writer, artist or actor hell I dont even have a proper college degree, I dont know anything about how to make it more honest and know nothing about producing quality content, I just blogg about my random life πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ What are your thoughts on al the things happening on Steemit?? Let me know in the comments!!!

To see more of my random ass life growing some vegetables check out my recent blog post's:

Vegetable garden update, peppers are growing fast!!

Bought some seed potatoes garlic and tomato for the indoor vegetables garden!!

Time To Smoke Another One!!!
ZomboMeme 15012018221328.jpg

Have a nice day everyone!!!

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