advance technological advancement is not making us happy because it is not the job in the purpose of technological advancement. to make us happy, the purpose of Technology is to make our life easier more comfortable and probably very highly efficient.

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Technology gives us super sophisticated communication. spiritual wisdom teaches are what do we use those communication systems for constructive and destructive purposes a knife in the hands of a hoodlum will take life
And the same knife in the hands of a surgeon can make or save a life what do we use Technology for is what decides how it can be utilized for constructive purposes or it can be utilized for destructive mean selfish aggrandizement.

will give an example -


Hi-tech car decor can offer US very high comfort it can offer us high efficiency in terms of speed with less fuel consumption it probably might even offer so very high status.

one could be sitting in a super sophisticated upmarket high-end car and still be completely miserable and therefore someone say I know that the car can't make me happy but isn't it better to cry in the Bentley then in a Honda City.

Spiritual wisdom teaches us that we should take the responsibility for our own happiness on ourselves the onus is with us let us not passed the responsibility of being happy to a car.

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or to the house or to a gadget or to money or two other people of the situations let's take the responsibility to be happy to ourselves.let me give you another example technology is contributed towards super highly sophisticated communication systems today is the day and age of Smartphones are Communications of becoming super fast super efficient super Technical Institute we really need of high-speed Communication.

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We must do in admire and appreciate all the Technocrats for contributing what are the most important aspects to human life utility we can use what is being created for a comfortable and efficient live at the same time spiritual wisdom pictures are let us take the responsibility of being happy on ourselves.

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if you want to be happy then we need emotional stability which is Deep satisfying relationships social generosity which is the sense of contribution giving meaningful purposeful life spiritual serenity which is a connection with divinity and God yes. Technology can contribute to us utility but the responsibility to lead a happy life is entirely up to.

thank you.

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