Welcome to steemit!

Where money talks and kindness rules! Steem is a revolutionary technology uniting people through a currency of the same name. The Steem we receive are proof of positive influence, quanta of kindness, proof of having generated joy.

This makes Steem a currency that is in perfect alignment with human's most profound desire to experience joy.

My Latest Series
The current post is part of a series of post listed below but can also be read on it's own.

#1 "What Truly Matters!"
#2 "How National Currencies Are Created And Who They Profit"
#3 "Cryptocurrencies: The Best Investments Of All Time"
#4 "Understanding Bitcoin"
#5 "Understanding Bitcoin Cash"
#6 "How To Buy And Secure Your First Bitcoin"
#7 "Empower Everyone, Decentralize Everything!"
#8 "Doing Away With Governments: How And Why"
#9 "The Only Meaningful Measure Of Success Is Joy"
#10 "Cryptocurrencies Stats And How To Invest"
Good Money Drives Out Bad Money

My Parent's Perception Of Me
Steem is part of those revolutionary decentralized technologies called cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are at the forefront of power redistribution away from shadowy groups like governments, back to where this power belongs, which is in the hands of the individuals.

Cryptocurrencies are currently initiating the greatest power redistribution in history because good money drives out bad money and that's what we are currently observing. Any redistribution of power away from un-accountable centralized form of governance is of the upmost benefit to everyone and humanity as a whole.

I've already talked about why cryptocurrencies are a much better type of money than national currencies [#2] [#3], how they work [#4] and how to invest [#10].

In this post I'll go into more details about some aspects of Steem, cryptocurrencies and my worldviews which I haven't talked about yet, as well as really exciting reasons about why and how cryptocurrencies are driving out national currencies.

Most Whales Give Way More Than They Take

I'm completely addicted to Steem and I use it to help as many people as possible and leveraging Steem to help create the world I long for.

One full upvote from me is worth around 45$ and thus I give a total of at least 450$ daily to Steemians. Monetarily speaking I give more than what I receive, roughly twice as much in the last weeks, taking into account my post, curation and witness rewards.

Most whales if not all whales give more than what they take from the reward pool, curation, post and witness rewards. This is by designed and done to build the Steem community. There's almost noway around this, meaning there's always some Steem being handed down from whales, orcas and dolphins, to less wealthy Steemians. Now that's awesome!

One more thing I want to mention about Steem, Steem shouldn't be seen in an ultimate competition against all other cryptocurrencies but all cryptocurrencies should be look at as a set of technologies that in combinations are helping us to bring about a better and fairer world. It's really awesome to be able to reward people on Steem but in the end, I feel like we need to strive for even more, we need to strive to create a more compassionate and fair society.

We need to help people realize human technologies have given us the ability to produce more than ever before and that those many scarcities we're witnessing have for the most part been artificially created.

The Reason Why Steem Was Created
The Steem rewards and the very reason Steem was created was to bring people together in a voluntary manner to disempower government. The word's below are the words of @dantheman the ex-CTO of Steemit and main architect of Steem.

"Going forward I hope to leverage the work here with Steem to build markets, insurance, mutual-aid societies, and justice systems that empower our community to disempower government. I believe that properly organized social pressures can be far more powerful than any standing army or government bureaucrat. Through blockchain technology we can organize ourselves and hopefully achieve our liberty."

"Only by working together can we maximize the life, liberty, and property for all. Resorting to violence is a shortcut that can only destroy life, liberty and property. I am honored that so many of you are here and helping me realize this dream." [Source]

Empowering People Is Priceless

Steem is working, it's getting us closer to one another because it's mutually empowering us, disempowering governments. Each of our actions are helping us to understand the most pressing needs of our community and put us in a position to give those needs the best possible response, making our community ever more empowered and resilient.

Most of my power on Steem, Steem Power, comes from Steem that have been delegated to me for the sole purpose of helping people and helping grow the Steem community. Having been delegated so much power and tipping so many people for the work they are doing or simply directly helping so many people has been life changing for me and anyone engaged on Steem.

Obviously people on the receiving end are also benefiting but in the end I feel like it's the whole coming together and the community that it's giving birth to that is the most powerful part.

We can't know exactly where cryptocurrencies and Steem applications will take us in the future but for now they are clearly taking away from government giving back to the people. Steem plays a special part as it's bounding people like no other social network and cryptocurrency can.

Steem is empowering people to unite their voice with one click, something no other current technology allows. We are getting rewarded to come together and make our voices heard because our voices have value and because a more engaged community means a more cohesive community and a more cohesive community means a stronger and more resilient community. Together we're stronger.

Our Truth Is Our Most Valuable Asset

By allowing us to unite our forces yet remaining sovereign, Steem and crypctocurrencies are helping us free ourselves from government's tyranny. Steem is rewarding people to state and live their truth and our truth is what makes life worth living.

Steem is already better than all other publishing platforms and social network, it's simply that most people haven't heard about it yet or haven't joined because their friends aren't here yet.

If we find that Steem isn't fairly rewarding us when speaking our truth, I suggest we re-evaluate our truth and if after doing so we still consider ourselves to be right, then I would advice against going against our truth and instead use our truth to change people's mind and heart.

Working Toward A More Voluntaryist Society
Steemians are coming together in voluntary manner to help bring about a more voluntaryist society.

Here's my friend @kafkanarchy84 explaning what a voluntaryist society is and why working to bring it about is our most logical option and the one everyone should work toward.

"No voluntaryist, prominent one at least, assume there will ever be or can ever be a complete elimination of violence. Voluntaryism assert that in order to minimize violent conflicts and the potential therefore, the state must be one of the thing eliminated as it objectively depends upon, said violence for its very foundational lively hood and existence. It follows logically that if violence and lost of life are to be minimized that the state then must also be eliminated, indeed the utopian philosophy is the one that maintain that violence is necessary and just the right amount of violence, done by the right people, in the right position of power can produce an absence of violence, i.e. peace and that is an absurd position and that is the position held by statism.` [Steem] [Youtube]

Current Governments Are Being Made Irrelevant

I once thought States couldn't be abolish but cryptocurrencies have made me reevaluate my position because governance, laws and the application of laws are becoming more decentralized every day. Cryptocurrencies are uniting people through those tokens that have value and which can't be created out of nothing by centralized authorities. Cryptocurrencies are making people come together on a voluntary basis on an unprecedented scale.

Things are getting much different then what we are use to. We're beginning to see cracks in the current system from where new paradigms and much brighter horizons are emerging.

States are currently losing most of their power through wealth shifting away from national currencies to cryptocurrencies. These are huge sums of wealth.

"Cryptocurrencies' market cap or the total value of all cryptocurrencies is $127B and currently rank them as the 53th largest company (by market cap) in the world and the 52th biggest economy (M3) in the world right between Algeria and Pakistan. At the current rate, cryptocurrencies will become the company with the biggest market cap in less than a year and the biggest economy in less than 3 years." [Source]

On The Possibility Governments Created Cryptocurrencies

Some people have brought up in the comment section of some of my posts that cryptocurrencies could have been created by governments to which I agreed. Not only do I agree governments could have created cryptocurrencies but I think it's a very likely possibility though it doesn't make it a certainty far from it.

NSA documents talking about creating cryptocurrencies have been around at least since 1996. One this document can be seen here hosted on MIT's website with the permission of the NSA. [Source]

1988 Rothschild Owned Magazine "The Economist" Predict The Destruction Of National Currencies And Their Transition To A World Currency In 2018
Reasons For Governments To Create Cryptocurrencies

The reasons for shadow governments to create cryptocurrencies are of two types, some governments or rebel factions of governments could be trying to redistribute power back to people and away from governments or the opposite, governments could be trying to use cryptocurencies to gather more power to themselves.

I've already wrote about why shadow governments or rebel factions of them could seek to do away with the predatory system we're under. Obviously no one is safe under the current system not even those at the highest echelons. The other thing is that wars are made of objectives that are determined before the war even begin and then moves and calculations are done in other to achieve the desired goals. The most logical and skillful warlord should seek to put an end to the necessity of war no matter how slim the odds of such an outcome seem.

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - Sun Tzu - The Art Of War


Whether or not some governments created cryptocurrencies and no matter what their end motives would be, cryptocurrencies will continue to rise. This is so because good money drives our bad money. The price of cryptocurrencies will continue to rise because they are a better type of money than national currencies. If they haven't created them, so far governments have deemed it a better option to let cryptocurrencies grow rather than try to ban them.

Whethere there's a ban or not, cryptocurrencies are a better type of money than national currencies and we should all work to embrace them as they benefit us all individually and as a group.

Here's 4 excerpts from an article on hyperbitcoinization by Pierre Rochard of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute plus a quote from Satoshi himself. This article with its cited articles are a must read. (Satoshi is the anonymous creator of Bitcoin the first cryptocurrency.)

Thank you to @lukestokes and @sean-king for making me aware of this article through a Steemit post.

" Bitcoin will not be eagerly adopted by the mainstream, it will be forced upon them. Forced, as in "compelled by economic reality". People will be forced to pay with bitcoins, not because of 'the technology', but because no one will accept their worthless fiat for payments. Contrary to popular belief, good money drives out bad. This "driving out" has started as a small fiat bleed. It will rapidly escalate into Class IV hemorrhaging due to speculative attacks on weak fiat currencies. The end result will be hyperbitcoinization, i.e. "your money is no good here". "


"Bitcoins are not just good money, they are the best money [5]. The Bitcoin network has the best monetary policy [6] and the best brand [7]. We should therefore expect that bitcoins will drive out bad, weak currencies [8]. By what process will bitcoins become the dominant currency? Which fiat currencies will be the first to disappear? These are the interesting questions of the day, as the necessary premises for these questions are already established truths9."


" It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Once it gets bootstrapped, there are so many applications if you could effortlessly pay a few cents to a website as easily as dropping coins in a vending machine." - Satoshi Nakamoto, 1/17/2009


"Everyone admonishes people to not borrow in order to buy bitcoins. The reality is that money is fungible: if you buy bitcoins instead of paying down your mortgage's principal, you are a leveraged bitcoin investor. Almost everyone is a leveraged bitcoin investor, because it makes economic sense (within reason). The cost of borrowing (annualized interest rates ranging from 0% to 25%) is lower than the expected return of owning bitcoins."

"How leveraged someone's balance sheet is depends on the ratio between assets and liabilities. The appeal of leveraging up increases if people believe that fiat-denominated liabilities are going to decrease in real terms, i.e. if they expect inflation to be greater than the interest rate they pay. At that point it becomes a no-brainer to borrow the weak local currency using whatever collateral a bank will accept, invest in a strong foreign currency, and pay back the loan later with realized gains. In this process, banks create more weak currency, amplifying the problem."


" A speculative attack that seems isolated to one or a few weak currencies, but causes the purchasing power of bitcoins to go up dramatically, will rapidly turn into a contagion. For example, the Swiss will see the price of bitcoins go up ten fold, and then a hundred fold. At the margin they will buy bitcoins simply because they want to speculate on their value, not due to an inherent problem with the Swiss Franc. The reflexivity here entails that the reduction in demand for Swiss Francs would actually cause higher than expected inflation and thus an inherent problem with the Swiss Franc. The feedback loop between fiat inflation and bitcoin deflation will throw the world into full hyperbitcoinization, explained by Daniel here. "

"Bitcoin will become mainstream. The Bitcoin skeptics don't understand this due to their biases and lack of financial knowledge. First, they are in as strong an echo chamber as Bitcoiners. [10] They rabidly search for evidence that confirms their view of Bitcoin. Second, they misunderstand how strong currencies like bitcoin overtake weak currencies like the dollar: it is through speculative attacks and currency crises caused by investors, not through the careful evaluation of tech journalists and 'mainstream consumers'. To honor these soon to be extinct skeptics, the Nakamoto Institute has launched A Tribute to Bold Assertions."

People's Fair Share Of Earth's Abundance

I want to thank everyone who helped me here on Steem. I also want to thank every Steemians as well as everyone enjoying Steem as simple readers. As I said, I think Steem currently is the best social network and publishing platform and I look forward to make it even better.

I'm here to share the most useful information possible in the most easily accessible way. A lot of the problem of our society comes from deceptive information spread as truth by deceptive actors. Steem and cryptocurrencies are disempowering those deceptive actors and empowering all in a fair manner. Let's use those new empowering technologies wisely to create a better present.

**I'm not looking to selfishly acquire more to myself leaving everyone else poorer, on the contrary, I'm looking to empower everyone to have a fair share of Earth's abundance. **

I'm looking to help people realize human technologies have given us the ability to produce more than ever before and that those many scarcities we're witnessing have for the most part been artificially created.

I'm looking to help to come together in a voluntary manner to create a better society. I use Steem as the best platform to help me on this journey.

I'm seeing this better society emerge and I'm seeing the impact all of us are having.

Living Our Truth

For me this might be only the beginning of this journey which could bring me to professional video production or ghostwriting for some rapper or any media that could best bring those truth to the masses. These are only two avenues I'm already seriously considering, whatever it takes, I'm open to it and I'll go for it.

The current series of posts is already part of a much more ambitious project which consist of much more than the publication of those posts. It's work in progress so I won't share more about it right now.

Those truths I've spoke all through out this series unite us all.

My Witness
I've been a witness for more than a year now and this week, I've enter the top 50 witness, jumping from #53 to #44 after I received the vote of @clayop and @fabien amongst many others. @clayop is currently the second biggest vote for witness. Only @freedom's vote proxied to @pumpkin is more powerful. I want to thank @clayop and everyone which are approving my witness.

Everyone has 30 witness votes which can be change at any moment and don't take any voting power. They are like voting for a post but those witness votes are like 24/7 votes which keeps on giving. Those votes are very important votes for obvious reasons.

Steem Media Tokens
Why Create Smart Media Tokens?
@ned CEO of Steemit just announced the most exciting developments of the Steem platform yet.

How Smart Media Tokens Work: An Animated Explanation

Funny Video Of The Week
Approving My Witness!
Witness #44

Would you consider voting for my witness to help us Steeming the world we all long for? https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Thank you for reading and for commenting! I read all comments!

What Are Witnesses
Steem's Growth Is Rocketing!

Good To Know
I use Markdown Pad (free version) to create my posts and I recommend it to everyone.

How to align pictures.

The Chats!
Official Steemit.chat
SteemSpeak.com @fyrstikken @fyrst-witness (24h/7 Voice chat)
Peace, Abundance, Liberty @aggroed @ausbitbank @teamsteem & More (Minnow Support Project)
Steem Made Clear
"Steem: An In-Depth Overview!" (The clearest guide to understand how Steem works) (Reached top #1)
"What Are Steem Witnesses And Why You Should Support Them!" (Your 30 most important Steem vote.)
Other Useful Posts
"Thank you Dan Larimer! You are a great mentor!" - Porbably my best post - (Dan is the Ex-CTO of Steemit)
"Steemit.com Set To Become The World's Most Popular Website" (Part of The Ultimate Steembook)
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