A Real Crypto Kitty

As many of you know, almost three weeks ago we had a visitor at our front door. We took her in and she was taken back!

You can read the full blog post by clicking here.

Well, as I stated in the blog, my family was quite devastated when the owners of the cat that we had been taking care of for almost a week, showed up late that night. We had bought food, a litter box, toys, bedding, and a customized collar. I know that it seems foolish to spend a bunch of money on a cat that we just found on our doorstep. We figured after 8 days of silence, no one was looking for her.

We miss having her around. She really was such a chill cat. After a few days of her being gone, my wife and I talked about looking for a cat to call our own. However, we didn't want just any old cat. We wanted a cat just like the one that we took in. We started scouring the internet for local animal shelters, looking for a cat that resembles the one that we saved. We had no luck with all the shelters within a 200 mile radius. With a little bit of research, I discovered that the breed of cat we found was a Ragdoll Cat. Below is a bit of information about the breed.

Ragdolls are large, laid-back, semi longhaired cats with captivating blue eyes. The Ragdoll is a pointed breed, which means that the body is lighter in color than the points (the face, legs, tail and ears). The Ragdoll cat is carefully bred to produce large affectionate animals.

Ragdoll cats tend to be more interested in humans than some breeds of cats. They are known to run to greet you at the door, follow you from room to room, flop on you, sleep with you, and generally choose to be where you are. Many Ragdolls have been taught to come when called and play fetch. They are gentle cats, and usually play without extending their claws. Ragdolls tend to be floor cats, not jumpers. The Ragdoll’s semi long coat is plush and silky, and requires minimal grooming to keep it looking its best.
It makes sense why this cat's demeanor is so cool; they are bred for that. Now that I knew what I was looking for, I thought that it should be pretty easy to locate one. Think again. It turns out that these are highly sought after cats and almost all of the breeders have them sold before they are even born! On top of that, this is not a cheap cat by any means. I really had no clue. I thought that most of the time people were giving kittens away for free. Haha. That is definitely not the case with this breed.

After lots of email and phone calls, I finally found a breeder within a reasonable distance that had one of the buyers on one of her reserved kittens back out. I quickly sent her a deposit to hold my place for the kitten. It actually worked out perfect. We wanted a female and hoped that it would resemble the cat we saved: white with a grey tail. I think that we were really lucky to get exactly what we wanted. Of course my wife and kids are ecstatic and can't wait until she is old enough to come to our home!

Say Hello to the Newest Member of Our Family!
CRYPTO the Kitten

We are so excited to add this little fuzzball to our family. I will continue to post updated pictures as I get them until we are finally able to bring her home! Plus, we LOVE the Name! 😀 Thanks friends for checking out my blog.

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